Hey you kids!
Listen you little brats, how many times do I have to yell at you? For the love of Pete, that skateboard ramp bed is not for jumping! It’s for laying there and thinking about skateboarding. I swear I’ll get out the belt if I hear you muttering about how a $1000 might have been better spent if you slept on the floor and took that money and built something you could actually skate on instead. I’ll give you an X-treme!™ paddling on your behind if I catch you reenacting certain scenes from the Search for Animal Chin. If Tommy Guerrero didn’t jump off a bridge than you shouldn’t either! How the “H” “E” double hockey sticks is that pronounced anyway? Is all that rock-rap rave music making you deaf? I told you it’s one and a half syllables, with a soft “b” instead of a two word concatenation like ramp-bed. What are you, a maroon? In my day we slept under the platforms of the Clown Ramp… Called ourselves Art and Steve Godoy and were happy about it.
– Thanks to Sarib Khalsa for the tip.
F’ing prefab.
drawers on the ends, coping…looks pretty decent to me. As a cabinet maker I wouldn’t be able to make it any cheaper plus skate trucks for handles. I think you should be able to remove the matress and skate it though, at least thats how I would build it.
Love the commentary, Dad!
thats sooo efffing weeeeeeeee-todded
Looks like Eddie Elguera kids beds.
Ha ha, first thing I thought of when I saw this.
I thought those were Eddie’s kids.
Maybe its the cold medicine and coffee talking but I think its fuckin badicle. I don’t have a grand to spend on my 6 yr olds bed,but if I did, my only gripe would be that I didn’t have 2 grand,to get one for me….that and it only comes in a twin size..oh well “sorry honey, you can have a sleeping bag while I wank it in the comfort of my own miniramp”! c’est la vie!
I feel so rampbed right now…
SAAAAY whattt…I’ve seen a bigA$$ one like a queen size in person. Even some pro in vegas had one in his room by rampbed, i think twin is just what they show for the groms.
I’d rather have a car bed.
i really want one of these beds how much are they ???
I would like to know how much the ramp bed is or if I could have the specification for the ramp bed please let me know thanks.