FU old man!
If you learned to rotate 90 degrees a year it would only take you eight years to master a 720, which works out fine for eight year old Evan Doherty. The video description says he landed the 720 on “vert” but he’s clearly way down by the seam on the transition. I’m clearly just kidding… This puts things like thefirst “street” backflip into perspective. This eight year old probably lives in Calif… what’s that? Oh yeah? Kansas… I wonder how long he’ll stick with it. Video after the jump.
Hell yea, let’s hear it for the Nocoaster!!!
Missouri actually. Evan rips.
People see Kansas City and stop thinking.
No one outside of the Midwest knows anything about it’s geography. I’m guessin’ you’re from KC as well Rusty. Nice to see the Nocoast represented.
Oh yeah, doesn’t it straddle the border?
Yeah, but nothing good ever happens on the Kansas side.
Come skate the Shawnee park with me my friend. Plenty of good stuff happening in Kansas.
HA! (Bullets!)
There’s some great ditches and pools in Kansas. If you know where to look. Good stuff out there.
“30 year old man posts comment on skate and annoy.”
If you look up the other videos for this kid they include his age in the title as well.
Nice. I want to have that ramp.
Thanks for putting my 720 on your site. That is so cool!
You rip hard kid!
I heard you made it to the TV news tonight. Party. Looking forward to a 900!
I lived in KC for a long time, and I bet that ramp is pretty lonely most of the time
Evan please don’t stop very cool, Grover I’m with you on the ramp.
My knees hurt after watching that.