Well? Hung.
Hung is a belt clip that holds your skateboard allowing for easy access. It’s another wacky skate device, but the inventors do have a point, if your board is on your backpack you have to take it off and unstrap it to be able to use it. With Hung you can hang it up and have both hands free. I’d hate to take a hipper on that thing though. Video after the jump, or help them out on Kickstart.
I want a hung “dope rope”. istead of a big ‘ol clock hangin’ from yo chain, you could hang your skate. they could make these things MP3 players. ultimately this thing helps you go into stores and buy more crap you don’t need
my longboard will be dragging on the ground if i hook it up to that! I know i don’t ollie but I can’t have my tail scruffed up, boarding is all about image…bro!
There is no way this will fit on my belt next to my lightsaber.
That’s fuckn funny.^^^
Do those guys know you can actually ride skateboards?
it’s unbelievable how many kids I see carrying their skateboards to the local skatepark. ‘When I was a kid’ we rode our Boards all over the streets to get where we were goin’–up hill or down, smooth asphalt or friggin’ cobblestones, didn’t matter. Put it down and ride it!
There are a lot of “badge skaters” (people who want people to think they skate, by carrying around a skate…), but riding a modern skateboard on the street is only a little less grating than riding an old black knight. Skateboarding’s come full circle: Small hard slippery loud wheels are where it’s at. Again.
Totally. I get annoyed when I see dudes carrying their boards while walking on a perfect sidewalk or walking next to a recently paved street. I feel like a grumpy old man talking about this.
They should get William Hung as a spokesperson.
Why would I need this when I can just carry my board by the hanger of my front truck? Anyway. I’m saving up for a tail devil and wheels with LEDs in first.
Don’t you just think that’s such a great feeling,grabbing a truck,two fingers on each side! And I wouldn’t want to slam the board against my knee and shin while walking.Unless you’re fine with the ‘rapper limp’.
Finally! Got tired of carrying my batboard around all the time…
the chinese call me ‘hung lo’
Walking around with grip-tape rubbing against your leg seems like a good way to ruin your pants or, if you’re hip and with it, get trendy fade-lines in your jeans fairly quickly.
Mall grab
I wouldn’t want to fall on it but I think its kinda tight. I’d use it.
I saw this a few days ago and now every time I carry my board I think about it. It’s not a bad idea.