Duane still needs help

Check out this 1981 Tod Swank photo of Duane Peters at Del Mar with Glen E Friedman in the foreground shooting the same move that would end up in Thrasher.(Actually, i scanned the81 and early 80 issues, couldn’t find it.) 10 prints of this photo are up for grabs on eBay, complete with autographs by al three key players. Proceeds go to help Duane recover from massive hospital bills due to (not having insurance) and almost losing his leg. If only he were Canadian… Get yours before they sell out or Tuesday, June 14, 2011, whichever comes first.


9 thoughts on “Duane still needs help

  1. The Shralper on June 9, 2011 - Reply

    this is why i skate(see pic)

  2. Solboy on June 10, 2011 - Reply

    Great pic.

    I suspect that DP did not have insurance because he objects to having to pay for something that he should get for “free”, as a US citizen and taxpayer. I thought Obama was on this?

    Lose a leg or pay thousands to keep it? WTF is that?

    Paying for healthcare is something incomprehensible in the UK.

    1. houseofneil on June 10, 2011 - Reply

      he probably doesn’t have a choice. He doesn’t get insurance through his job, and I doubt very much if he can get any insurance on his own because of the enormous list of pre-existing conditions and the fact that he takes part in a “harzardous activity”.

      The healthcare situation in this country is indeed fucked.

    2. pee blanket on June 11, 2011 - Reply

      actually if i remember right his band did a rather embarrassing tour supporting ron paul. so i very much doubt he supports universal health care or social programs in general.

      1. Maybe he supports Ron Paul because Libertarians believe in leagalizing drugs. Maybe he’s had a fairly recent experience that would change his mind about universal health care.

        I think Obama’s implementation was weak. I’m against it because it didn’t go far enough, and doesn’t really fix the system. The health care system (and billing syste in particular) in the U.S. is FUBAR,

  3. We should replace oils company subsidies with true universal health care.

    1. And since we’re all going to be forced to buy health insurance, we need a surcharge on people who live unhealthy lifestyles. Better yet, a discount for healthy living. Like auto insurance right?

      1. talentlessquitter on June 10, 2011 - Reply

        It’s the things that really piss you off that you can’t comment on in just a four frame comic,right?

  4. kilwag, you are fookin right!

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