Toy Division
I don’t do many strictly music posts lately, but this one really appealed to my love of all things postmodern and post-punk. And of course, toys. It’s a recreation of Joy Division’s TV appearance on the BBC show Something Else. Compare it to the real thing after the jump
– Thanks to SteveB for the tip. [Source: Kottle.org]
Toy Division
Joy Division.
That is very cool. Now, I saw this when it was first broadcast in 1979. It was on a show called Something Else, and The Jam were on that night too. They played 2 songs: Eton Rifles and When You’re Young. I sat in front of the TV and taped it on my old cassette player with a big ass microphone. Remember those days? The 2 bands were completely different obviously but both brilliant.
That’s why there’s a lot of mods in the crowd.
Damn cool. But Play Mobile Ian Curtis looks a little too happy.
Funny, I was just watching the original Something Else video last night while eating cereal before bed. Who twitches and lets his emotions push him way off key like that these days? No one who gets a prime time slot. Time to start a band!
and it’s fucking funny that you called it Toy Division. In 1980 I used to have a combat jacket and I painted Joy Division on the back in the gothic script they used on the Reason for Living sleeve. I made the mistake of wearing it down to the local “casuals” pub, and sure enough within 5 minutes I had some huge knuckledragger asking me “Who the fuck are Toy Division?”. Wanker.
Wanker ? Soooo British !