Lazy Editor, Annoying Video

I’m kind of taking the week off from posting on Skate and Annoy, but I’m not being lazy. I’m actually working on the back end of S&A, cleaning up some code and CSS, preparing to dump all the old static content into the the database. It’s annoying and slow going, but also long overdue. So watch this video of wacky germans who have invented a sport that combines streetstyle and freestyle skateboarding with the art of sitting on a stool. And not just any stool, it’s got to be a stupid expensive sport stool. Anything goes as long as you land on the stool. I thought it was a well executed parody, but a search on Youtube reveals way too many Hockern enthusiasts to be a hoax. Extreme sports stool! You will feel like loose stool after watching this video.

[Source: Gizmodo] – Thanks to Seth Grossman and Aaron Polansky for the tip.


25 thoughts on “Lazy Editor, Annoying Video

  1. Finally, a sport that favors those born with a ball-sac and pair of vulnerable, sensitive reproductive organs.

  2. A HUNDRED EUROS? They’re modelled on the “Tam Tam” stool, made by habitat, which sells for about twelve euros.

  3. i just shit my pants!!

  4. Just wait until I share my new sport that mixes Break Boarding & Hockern. You will be jealous.

    1. talentlessquitter on February 16, 2011 - Reply


  5. Rollerbladers now have people they can legitimately make fun of.

    1. What’s the worst thing about being a Hockerer? Telling a rollerblader you’re gay.

  6. Is there a longboard version?

    1. it’s a barstool.

  7. are you kidding me? people really do this? i was hoping it to be a joke but i guess its for real. why cant people just ride a skateboard

  8. talentlessquitter on February 16, 2011 - Reply

    Damn! Why haven’t I seen this before? Know thy neighbors.
    Another group of people selling a passtime as a sport.Reminds me of those ‘pro’ Jojo clowns from the 80’s.
    I like the moves though,but I wouldn’t want to be seen in public with it.
    More gently on the ankles (as opposed to landing on four small wheels…) but you need buns o’ steel.

  9. The Shralper on February 16, 2011 - Reply

    backside boneless 1:31

  10. talentlessquitter on February 17, 2011 - Reply

    I think it falls into the floor gymnastics category.The germans have always been good at it,just like that wacky indoor bicycle soccer.

  11. Apparently the object is to do basically anything as long as it ends with you sitting on the hockern in some sort of rap pose with a really smug look on your face. I guess this is no more stupid than the hoola hoop, right?

  12. I would have thought the United States would have been the first to make a sport out of sitting down. We’ve all failed!

  13. Hock n’ Drop, Porta-Hockern like…

  14. lou sassel on February 18, 2011 - Reply


  15. sit and destroy

  16. Add a lid and you’ve got an Xtreme chamber pot.

  17. Prickly Pete on February 18, 2011 - Reply

    Has anyone seen the too hot for You Tube doubles routine? Extreme man-on-man lapsitting!

  18. this is the all time weener of all things horrible

  19. its just rip off

    this is original:)))

    1. House of Flying Stools

    2. talentlessquitter on February 22, 2011 - Reply

      These guys are no longer welcome in Home Depot or Ikea.

      Stool ‘n Annoy!

  20. At least now we know how the rest of the world sees askateboard: as a prop to facilitate public dancing in by purportedly non-gay men…

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