Friday T&A on S&A: Gag-ga

SInce her last appearance was such a hit here I thought I’d bring you part two of the Madonna impersonator/bird woman of Alcatraz. She even looks like Madonna in these shots, except for the weird inappropriate section with the small child. Definitely NSFW video after the jump. If Richard Hell were dead he’d rise from the grave and commit suicide just dso he could roll over in his grave. I know that doesn’t make sense.

– Thanks to Brian for the tip.


7 thoughts on “Friday T&A on S&A: Gag-ga

  1. I’d let her put that lipstick around my dipstick.

  2. Francisco on February 25, 2011 - Reply

    I’m waiting to see a post with that high ollie shot from another angle. There were better comments for that one, I thought. Gaga is not so good looking. Dave Carnie should have a red suit like her boots AND his gold suit, too.

  3. I take back the other Friday’s comment that her music isn’t nearly AS crappy as Madooda’s… songs like “Born this way” (which I heard for the first time the other day… I don’ get out much except to skate and fish) are PRECISELY as crappy as Madooda’s… and not coincidentally.

  4. You’re right, that dude does look like Madonna.

  5. I’ll leave it each time, thanks.

  6. I heard that Lady Gaga thinks that it is funny/hilarious that people think that she has a penis. In fact she laughs so hard thinking about it that it makes her balls hurt.

  7. krahamgoats on February 27, 2011 - Reply

    I havn’t heard Richard Hell and the voidoids since exploring my moms record colection back in grade school. Those boots are hidious. I’d like to see her and Meganigga rollerblade together

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