Tony Hawk on Phineas and Ferb
I was not a fan of Phineas and Ferb when I first saw it. I think it was the animation style and color pallet made it seem kind of cheap. My kids are into it though, and like any lazy American good parent I watch a lot of TV monitor what my children watch to make sure it’s appropriate. I’ve since grown to appreciate it. Phineas and Ferb have a spin off now called Phineas and Ferb: Take Two. It’s essentially the same premise as Space Ghost Coast to Coast, a virtual set and hosts with real guests. Space Ghost Coast to Coast is one of the most brilliant shows ever put on late night TV, so Phineas and Ferb has a tough act to follow. I’ve only seen the one episode, and it falls flat. Part of what made SGC2C work was the general weirdness of the situation. Some of the guests didn’t quite know what was going on, and the writers occasionally deliberately created a semi hostile atmosphere. At it’s best, Space Ghost Coast to Coast was a bizarre masterpiece of postmodern awkwardness. Then again, Phineas and Ferb is aimed at a grade school audience, so maybe I expect too much. Tony Hawk on Phineas and Ferb: Take Two, after the jump.
Space Ghost C2C season 1 DVD gets more play than a lot of skate videos for me.
wow…wal-mart hawk skateboards, lame tv show one after the other…whats wrong w/ the bird man? could he make this sport more beat? he needs to get abducted by the barrier kult for 3 months and get some dark imagery going on…900’s at 42 should’nt be so mainstream!