GVK# 62: The Micromillion Dollar Man Ollie
Just a little fun on a rainy saturday. Hope you enjoy. I am attempting to put out more videos than Sorcery 118. The quality will come later.
Posted by: Grover on January 17th, 2011
Categories: Grover's Video Korner, Skate
Tags: GVK, videos
Just a little fun on a rainy saturday. Hope you enjoy. I am attempting to put out more videos than Sorcery 118. The quality will come later.
40 and over? thats an excuse, just call it ‘novice slider’
I quite enjoyed that.
I am 43 and those years of sliding Safeway curb and other assorted spots in SF mean that I can do the slider thing. I think?!
Fantastic… People looked at me funny in my cubicle because of the uncontrollable laughter.
I’m laughing at myself also because after knee surgery I can barely jump off my right leg at all so ollies are just not there. Oh to remember the days of jumping over traffic cones with ease…
Hahah, I love it!
That was rad, sick samples in the background. i get hyped every time i see a GVK video, and sorcery video. keep ’em coming, I’d love to see the old dudes one up the candy punx.
did he just ollie a one-hitter?
did he just ollie a one-hitter?
did I soil myself while watching this?