The Mixtures – Skateboard Jive
I curse the audiophile who sniped me on this eBay auction for Skateboard Jive by the Mixtures. What kind of loser bids on crappy skatesploitation music? ME. There’s a fan page set up on MySpace, so I guess at least two people care. The Mixtures were an Australian band from 1965-1976. Skateboard Jive came out in 1975, and it was the last thing the Mixtures released before disbanding. There’s a bunch of skatesploitation records that come up on eBay all the time, pretty much the group, if you miss once you can most likely try again in a month, but I’ve never seen this one before. I covet this.
What the hell is that popping noise? Sounds like brain cells exploding. wah wah wah.
It’s a ‘wobble board’ made famous by Rolf Harris and ‘tie me kangaroo down sport’, a piece of sheet metal flopping back and forth.
Are they playing a bending saw?
Love it!
Ah,so bad they sniped you! That record should have been yours.
It’s a ‘technique’ but I think you can get that popping sound by slamming the
inside of your hand over a big empty wine bottle.