Rich French people get turned on to fingerboards
I asked my wife if she knew about some shi shi company named Hermes and she had no idea what I was talking about, but that was because I was pronouncing it like “her-mees” instead of the proper French pronunciation, something more akin to “err-mez.” These guys sell insanely ridiculously priced accoutrements. It looks like they hired the best fingerboard video director Alexis Milant to produce a segment for their web site. Alexis is the guy who does the Opus series of videos that we’ve featured before. There are no credits, but it sure as hell looks like his work, except the props are insanely expensive.
– Thanks to Seth Levy for the tip.
[Source: Trendland]
still nice vid. I pronounce it “Her mess”…
That’s a collectible fingerboard (‘Did I just say that?’).
I’d like me a Hermes upholstered skateboard,like this french classic;
“le fric, c’est chic”.
Freak out !