Jim Gray revisted

MC’s comic about the Gray Slide prompted me to dig through some old Skate and Annoy correspondence that I have. Yes. I’ve kept at least 90% of it. Way back in August of 1988 he sent us a letter and some money for another issue. He specifically mentioned a karmic threat if we didn’t follow through. Funny thing is (sad, actually) I don’t think we ever followed through. So much so that when we did reconnect some time early in the new millennium I made a point of sending him something. Jim is good guy. Always nice to see or hear from him. So for those of you who care, here’s 22 year old Skate and Annoy zine mail.

Man, a mish-mash of corporate entities. Tracker envelopes, Transworld stationary, Blockhead stickers…

That black square is a reflective Blockhead sticker. It used to drive me nuts when people would send us envelopes with stickers already stuck on them. Sure, Jim probably had enough stickers to make a small tent, but we coveted them. I have an admission to make. I still covet stickers in a manner that is entirely inappropriate for someone my age. I need help. Now that I’m in a position to reciprocate, I always put the stickers inside the envelope instead of pulling a Jim Gray. Now if only I could pull a Gray slide….


3 thoughts on “Jim Gray revisted

  1. That’s awesome.

  2. Jim Gray is a cool guy, and still killing the backyard pools!

  3. Hell Yes, I can’t you can’t ever escape your past, but big props to you, because I would never have wasted my time sending anything to you if I didn’t dig what you were doing, and to this day, I still do, so keep it up…. It’s good to know that my sarcasm has deep roots, sometimes your forget this things as you get old and your brain stops working…

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