Nokia push
Nokia Push… really hard to tell from the web site what the hell they are actually talking about. They keep talking about hacks in a proprietary context that must only maker sense if you already own the phone. They’ve got two “prototypes” for hacks, one of which looks like it makes use of motion sensing capabilities in the phone in order to score points in a game while actually skateboarding. It’s a weak execution of a not so new concept, but I give them this, the commercial is highly reminiscent of the Paper Boy arcade game and amusing to watch.
[Source: Skatecuriosidade]
After you watch the commercial the first time, rewind and pay attention to the strange appearance of the sky. It looks like it may have been added post production. What I really want to know is what subdivision in which country has asphalt sidewalks. Also notice the stunt mailbox, conspicuously painted inconspicuously blue, and straying from it’s natural habitat of the street corner.
So what is that commercial trying to imply? You can simulate a Wii controller with your iPhone, (oops!) I mean Nokia phone. I’m sure they aren’t suggesting their phones can actually withstand being used as a riser pad. Or maybe they are, because it looks like they made a device for installing it. If they actually mass produced these they’d likely be looking at a lot of warranty returns for the small electronics equivalent of shaken baby syndrome. They’d be better off finding a way to make them measure the piner grinds of old men instead of the heights and rotations of kickflips.
Looks like it will work like Nike+ for runners. The riser pad houses sensors (accelerometer, etc.) that wirelessly communicate with your phone (which stays in your pocket).
It is paperboy. Where is the bald guy or that weird skakey guy in the zoot suit.
If you look closely at the blueprint, it actually looks like they expect you to put your N8 on a 90 degree angle under your trucks…
Storing energy from movement?
What country?
I always thought the USA had asphalt sidewalks all over the country and is therefore the promised land…
The kid in the late-’80’s Oldsmobile-ish car must hold some classic ’80’s game.I’m not a nerd as such;amyone?
The ’70’s Ford Granada must place it in the UK.New Beemer in the back…
The houses look very US but there’s like three or four different hydrants.
See how the yank tank ends up in front of the Ford in the end?Strange.
Did you also notice the mailbox stunt-double,inconspicuously painted red?