Jeans West
Here’s an old 70’s commercial for a company called Jeans West. I couldn’t find any information about Jeans West, other than a current company in Australia. I’m not sure they are related. I did find this on Skatecuriosidade that said it was an Italian company and the commercial dates back to 1977. And speaking of Skatecuriosidade, notice how I gave you guys credit and a link? They’ve been poaching images from S&A for long time with nary a web link. Come guys, get with the program and be a good netizen.
This commercial has all the typical 70’s skateboarding fair, handstands, fancy footwork and the high jump. I’m willing to bet one of our readers can ID this guy. Brian Beardsley? Ty Page? Dennis Schufield? Some other guy?
Wow…from watching Freeweelin’ and this clip as well as listening to the Corky Carroll snippet below, it seems like there was a contingent of 1970s skateboarders into mellow country rock. My other band will be stoked to know this (http://www.myspace.com/sheabones)!
You think Per Welinder watched this in ’77?
I can’t speak italian but i can see a name, Dan Gesmer, founder of seismic skate. He has commented on the video and mentioned Ed Nadalin.
So it is probably one of those two names
Hem ! Kinda Portuguese, spoken in Brazil (not Italian !)
I saw Gesmer in that post too, I assumed he was just talking about him, figured he was too young to have been the guy in that commercial, but I suppose it’s possible.
It certainly has to be Ed Nadalin – he still lives in Rome….
yep…that’s Ed…
Dude rips!
My pal who did the Fix Push video did a funny edit of this
As they say…LOL!
making me dizzy…
Jeans west wad once the largest seller of Levis jeans. It was founded by two men inspired by seeing Fred Segal selling $s0 jeans in the late 1960s. It was oPened at Melrose and Crescent Heights in LA around 1969. It was sold to Federated Dept Stores about three years later. Now the mark is owned by Edison Int’l I think.
Anybody notice, when the camera cut to the tags ON the jeans worn by the models, the apostrophes, turning “Jeans West” into “Jean’s West”….as if someone named Jean was portraying a region of the country.
One wonders now many pairs of eyes at the ad shop AND at Jeans West saw that and didn’t say “Excuse me, but….”.
Yep…That’s me way back once upon a time back in the late 70s in Rome…And yes, I’m still here..My ex-wife edited that commercial and I’m still here at least until I sell my house and decide what I want to do when I grow up! P.S. I’m glad I generated at least a bit of curiosity..It’s amazing what one can come up with with a google search..
Nadalin works better than naphtalin to keep your jeans away from mockery !
Arrivederci, Roma !
Ahhh la villa Borghese …
Ed, tu vuo fa l’americano ?
I used to watch Ed nadalin down in Huntington Beach….When he was theyre, i watched. WOW ! Quiet,& Nice, he obviously loved to skate…. I wrote him in italy a few years back.. Thank aagin Ed for sending Me that C.D., Dave in Palm springs calif. I recently came across a little SKATEPARK. Time to give it a try again. Im not going for the picnic bench jumps, i just want to cruise. My ankles cant take anymore= WACK !