eBay Watch: August 2010

Well I’m really excited about the selection again this month. July was an awesome month for 80s decks, but I think that August was just as good. A little more varied perhaps, but still as good, and I hope you agree. I decided that I was going to go with quality and not quantity this month. I had probably another 20 items in the maybe pile, but I decided that I was just going to go with decks that I felt strongly about and not worry about how much they sold for. Not that there’s not some big hitters this month, because there is. There are lots of decks that break the $1000 barrier, and to me that’s the real dividing line. Overall I think things are looking up after a few down months there at the beginning of the summer. People were complaining back then that the pickings were getting pretty slim on eBay, but July and August have seen bunches of very desirable decks hitting the market. Some have gone high, and some have been pretty reasonable, but nobody can complain that there hasn’t been a great variety.