Callin’ on Colin episode #31
Some of the best Photoshop skills around – This week’s show is Kyle Reynolds of Cal’s Pharmacy and Dept. of Skateboarding fame…
Please enter any questions you have for Kyle in the comments…
For an interview back in 2006, check out this LINK
Listen Live on Callin’ on Colin on Thurs. at 2pm from PDX.FM and listen to an archive of this show and 30 others at Colin.PDX.FM
whats going to happen to the street course and all the stuff that shrunken head and all the others shops or companies donated?
kyle, you should still try and have the van camps and what not but just have it go with pharmacy
what’s next? How often do you skate? We never see you at any of the public skateparks or video premieres.
Shit. this show has to be postponed.. PDX.FM is having some technical difficulties and they’ll be off the air all DAY…
Bummer. Thought it was my computer .
Dang. Are you going to have to wait a week?
yeah. sorry. postponed for next week.
OH SNAP! Mike C dropping the ‘you don’t even skate’ bomb! I haven’t heard that one directed at me for several days now.
I’m just saying that motherfuckers need to come up with a better putdown
What about public video premiers?
There are too god damn many Mike Cs and or MCs around here. I guess we can let conahan slide since he has been on the planet for maybe 5 or 6 years longer than I have.
Is that a put down or an observation?
both maybe?
why is photoshop so important? Is it usually applied to all your shots or do you try to shoot for perfection and say fuck the photoshop? It seems like photoshop would be used to save a crappy image. and what kind of cameras do you use/ want to use if you had all the $ to buy them. thanks.
Does it matter that we may not have seen Kyle at the park we skate. He has been running the Dept. of Skate for ten years now giving us a place to skate in the winter. Why so negative, I’m bummed that the Dept. is closed and glad that we were fortunate enough to have an indoor place to skate for so long.