Old men and the sound of the youth
Two videos, one with a lot of skateboarding, one with about a half a second. The first one is for an Underworld song called Always loved a film. It expands on a concept where old guys act like teenagers. You may remember in 2007 we posted a commercial for something called 118 118 that was pretty much the same deal. It looks like one of the old guys still skates though, he’s not quite as old looking as the rest of them though, but maybe it’s the long hair. I feel like I should know who this guy is. The second is for a defunct outfit called These Animal Men. The song The Sound of the Youth has a great bombastic intro and about 14 frames of a plastic skateboard, in 1994 even. Watch them both, then imagine the first video track playing with the audio soundtrack of the second video. Oh wait, you don’t have to imagine it because I swapped it out myself and uploaded the mashup.
Underworld – Always Loved A Film
These Animal Men – The Sound of the Youth – from 1994.
I always enjoyed the sound of the film – These Animal Underworld
The mash-up works really well!
Somehow you made 50 seconds of Underworld video disappear;nice end shot.
…It’s 1994 and the singer of a crappy british band just watched his first Green Day video… “Hey guys,I just found our image,and a guitar riff!”…
Dude with the long hair is Todd Schwartz of Garden Skate Skate park… the park in a few clips.
I always wondered what would happen if I got old.
Is that an orange Bacon “Chuh” deck?
it sure the hell is!
that movie is your life
That was Jesse McDonald’s “Bacon” deck he skated in 2009 Maloof AM vert. The video was fun as hell to shoot. I’m so glad you put a great track over that! The stunt double for the old white dude was Chris from Homage Skateshop (great guy!)
Puhlease. These Animal Men shit all over Green Day. More like they watched early TV appearances of The Who followed by The Clash from 1977. They couldn’t be more English if they tried.
Now, saying These Animal Men shit all over Green Day might hold some water…
…but you’re going to hell for comparing them to The Clash.
Well done guys. Killer vid.