Mike V: One rad, mad, bad dude with an identity crisis?
Seriously. Joining a semi-pro hockey team and quitting his bread and butter sponsor Element in a few short weeks? His new skateboard company is called By the Sword, No wait, try this one instead. The OC Weekly interviewed him about it. He’s also setting up a skatepark tour where you can buy tickets to hang out with him. I’m sure he’s got another movie or two in the can or in the works. He’s a busy, busy guy who makes some odd decisions. He must be putting the fear of God into his press agent because it seems like I get an email every other day. The image above is a still within a still from the Mike V promo reel. He should have put news footage of his brawl outside the hockey rink. It’s probably not in the best interest of promoting the Mike V franchise, but it would have demonstrated a good sense of humor.
Last month I was skating in somebody’s backyard and there was a sign that read “don’t mike v. the ramp.”
that guy has gone a little kooky over the last decade, maybe there was some long term psychological damage from his scene where he had to run through a graveyard…..
He’d be smarter to join the Jaks skateboard hockey team.
Couldn’t help noticing in the press release a reference to NHL player, Miroslav SATAN!
To quote my 5 year old daughter…”Jeez-A-Lord!”
I don
Could anyone have said that better? I sir, salute your literary stylings. Kudos! Now, would you like to split the cost of one of those tickets? I’ll spend 15 min with him and you can spend the other 15 min.
Whatever you may think about him, just or unjust, he rips on a board. He seems to bring out the hate in people. Not completely sure why. There are some dudes out there skating professionally that have WAY worse histories then Mike but we all seem to love them anyway. Maybe I just haven’t been paying attention.
I thought I was pretty clear about why I dislike Mike. He used to be one of my all time favorites. I grew up watching 3rd gen dubbing of Public Domain and his part made me want to go out skate everything. Being able to rip does not excuse ones self from being a wanker. If he’d just quite being such a crybaby and skate he wouldn’t be catch so much flak. Let’s not forget his hair trigger temper. He even had his own fight video in which he brags about his battles all the way up until the end, but then he complains about this image he has and how it has gotten out of hand.
Yeah, that guy is talented for sure, but always plays the victim. His speech in The Man Who Souled The World is pretty much the same in his Element tirade. He loves to claim to be used as a pawn in the game.
mike v =’s full blown ripper buy his board and crap or don’t…. whatever, the rest is tmz or some some thing…. who cares
He’s selling tickets to hang out with him after he shreds the shit out of your town’s park. He’s SELLING tickets. That’s fucking ridiculous. You could go to almost any Portland area park and see one of the locals skate it better than MV, not to mention they’ll do it for free.
Fuck all of you haters. Mike V. is better than all of you & has been since the late ’80s. It’s his life. Let him make his choices. He didn’t like Element. Fuck that Chinese shit anyway. He likes to beat the shit out of people. Cool. That is his thing. He can sell tickets if he wants…he is a legend in skateboarding & has done more for skateboarding than any single person reading this. STFU and show some respect to those that blazed the trail before you.
Uh mezmer, most of the folks here have been skating way longer than mike v has, so he sure didnt blaze any trails for me. That being said, at least he’s his own person and isnt cookie cutter and dull like so many pro skaters are. He’s just a person with faults like all of us.
beating the shit out of people is only cool if you’re a douche bro
does it cost extra to hang with DP?
I like Mike but charging people to hang out is lame. Maybe he’s spending too much time in LA. Maybe it’s one too many concussions. If you need to charge, at least teach lessons or something.
Have to appreciate his determination to stay in the game and keep charging it though. No one can deny he gets down.
Did you guys know his new company is called ‘ByTheSword’ Skateboards? (www.twitter.com/bythesword)
This is almost registering on the give-a-f#ck-a-meter. If any of you kids are thinking about purchasing Mike V / Duane Peters ballhang tickets I would suggest you decline the taking the tattoo tour if offered.
I wish they were coming to Oregon. The closest they get is vegas or so cal. I really want to hang out with “street skating legend “THE NOMAD” Bill Danforth”
Why would anybody go to Vegas and skate?
Pay to hang out with hookers or pay to hang out with skaters?
Mike V was pretty inspirational on a board who definately has his own style…one of my fave skaters of all time. I did like his spoken word stuff i.e trying to promote skateboarding to youngsters as that is the right way to go, somehow I feel he’s lost the plot now. What’s coming next?
Hurry up and post a new Baywatch, I’m dying here
He was cool in the early powell days, but then…
rollins imposter to confused rocker/jock (sort of like Rollins switch up from writing about burning everyone on MTV with napalm to MTV host of RocknJock softball). However, I skated a skatepark opening at Needles and he was there. He was friendly and humble, but didn’t really get into skating the park much. I never have liked his self-publicity attempts, though they could be even worse.