What is the Oregon Trifecta?
It’s apparently on again, although you wouldn’t know by going to the official web site, which is still stuck in pre-09 event mode. There is a flyer circulating on Facebook that say’s it slated for August, 20th-22nd, to be held in Lincoln City, West Linn and Tigard. I don’t know what a “Grass Roots Pro Purse” is, but I’ll bet the pros won’t be too excited about it. Good thing the parks are worth traveling to. Looks like it’s still a World Cup sanctioned event. Oh nuts. I just realized that I never posted the pics from last year’s event at Pier Park.
– Thanks to BK for the tip.
I can’t wait to hear Dave Duncan go on and on about the daggars while listening to Kill ’em All on infinite repeat.
Don’t make fun of the Daggers mystique, you’ll upset everyone who loves Dave Duncan.
“He’s comin’ in hot!”
dd still the best anonunce there is.
Who’s the competition?
Hey, I think I’ll start refering to my salary as “grass roots”.
1/2 of the entry fees goes towards scoring blow for choppy. 1/4 of it goes to the world cup, 1/8 gets handed out as grass roots pro purse, and the last 1/8 goes for more blow. can i have a bump?
he traded the coke habit for HEROIN!! And he still doesn’t sleep….. just “nodds out”…
That kook air on the poster is rad.
every run is a final!
dude seems to know the “in” on the BLOW scene! Why not do some meth, you stay up way longer.
Other than that, I’ve been out in the Garden growing. Maybe thats what it’s all about now, grass roots: means Grass if you win and Roots for all the bottom feeders.
I will bring some samples up for those who have medical cards. I have white russian(this actually came from Oregon), bubba kush (this stuff rocks, it came from the coast in Arcata, I grew it in oregon and then I took it to the SUN), and redwood kush (one of humboldts hybrids). These are just a few strains coming out of the greenhouse this JULY. Oh, you don’t think I can grow in 100 degree weather and make plants flower in the middle of summer. Magic baby.
Klamath Falls skate park is still ROCKIN, no more pad nanny, and no more pay to skate. It’s biker friendly and memorial day weekend was my worst nightmare. I saw thirty bikes, red shirts, and one dude fire off a flying skateboard into the side of a kid on a bike and then say “you guys are in the way”
yo, i love cancer!
Got a lil’ project in Arcata/Blue Lake, myself.
Live in Wa tho.
Love the kush. Would like to see it up here…you in Trinity? Humbolt? Weaverville?
WOW! You hit all around the sweet spot. Think hotter. Believe it or not Redding, Shasta county. I have to say the Sun does amazing things and the RIGHT strain is harder than !@#$ to find when there’s everybody and there dog talking about everything under the sun.
Kush by far has my vote. Master kush (now that I know what it is) is heavy, lasts a long time and never had any tollerance issues. It just keeps on gettin you Medicated.
Bubba Kush damn near made me hallucinate, but that was after a long day driving. I have to wait and see what this next batch done in soil will do(previously done in hydro). And the Redwood will have its debut this July.
Last years Kinetic Sculpture race Bubblegum and Medicine man was floating around everywhere. Like, every fuckin hippie had some on them, even if they had something better.
I’ve been stuck on hybrids lately for the same reasons of your affinity for The Kush…es?
It’s like too much in one day, and you almost get the spins or drunk vision, without the nausea.
Redding for sure,but I’m a hick at heart so It feels right out in the sticks. Sounds like you got yer shit together,so enjoy the fruits of yer labor. Redwood sounds interesting. Also hope to stop at Klamath Falls eventually, next trip down. Schralp on.
Let’s see some real shit chop.you know what I mean.