A momentary loss of muscular coordination
I had a lapse of judgement, I made some bids I couldn’t back up. Like that time in 8th grade when I almost got stuck paying $60 for a cake at that Boy Scout charity bake auction. These Skatewings are freakish and rare. Just try finding one with a Google image search. Brewce Martin owns one. I was upset at first, but then I realized that eBay bidder Member Id: o***b must be a fan of the site and intend to send it to me as payment for countless hours wiled away reading Skate and Annoy, right? RIGHT!
Actually, a few more have turned up. This one was over at Cleptomanicx. Strange…. Child of the 80’s for sure, but that helmet says 70’s. This board is the culmination of everything that is Skate and Annoy. If I ever did buy one, I might lose interest in updating this site. I COVET this board.
Too bad Randy.
The California Skate Lab has one…
Chris Fink has one at Pure Skate shop in bend oregon. Its mint.
looks like you can some real air on that thing 🙂
I have never see one of these in person…kinda wondering why it has rails? Ah, nevermind. I don’t get it at all!
It’s not that it has rails,it has GRABBING rails…
SJ”z skateshop in Truro, Cornwall over here in the UK also has one of these. It’s been signed by every pro who’s been in the shop too!
esnipe is your friend
I like to see someone ride one of those things.
I love that although the ad is totally 80s the skater is wearing a Cooper hockey helmet and pads from the 1970s.
and did you really want to drop almost $200 on that? Really?
Want to? No. Have to? Almost.
i don’t think you understand the gravity of the buy he just missed
Creature needs to re-issue one of those.
Sideways rock and rolls, wing slides…
I want one. I would have to skate it though, which is why I don
There is a promo video for these out there somewhere, it used to be shown on a tv in a department store when I was a kid.
The promotional video might be the real gold. I’d love to see that.
What a dream to heelflip that board.
This mad creation came from Dublin Iteland and the kid in the ad is my brothers mate and its a hurling helmet he is wearing. They won a compition to be the kids to show them off. The appeared on TV in ireland showing them off. I used to have a few of them but burnt them one haloween as they are the worst thing in the world to ride. We broke 3 in one day trying to jump off a shed roof.
Just saw the pictures and your comments. Really interesting to learn the history behind the origin. I live in New Zealand and got given one as a kid and it’s still sitting in the garage! I never really learnt to skate but it’s still in pretty good nick!
I have one in Nottingham UK I’m looking to sell. Its in good condition and i’m planning sell on ebay. I’ll stick the link on once I have it advertised. Feel free to message me if you’re interested.
Still got this skateboard?
tengo una skatewinged roja con emblema de batman la quiero vender la compre en 1985 esta en buenas condiciones.
I found one of these almost mint in my gf’s basement. There’s a bit of tar that dripped on it but otherwise it’s untouched since 1990. Still has the stickers and everything.