Prepubescent pop star ollies higher than me
His balls haven’t dropped, but he can acid drop. This is teenie bopper and recent musical guest on SNL, Justin Bieber in Teen Vogue. Man, he looks special in that outfit.
[Source: Perez Hilton] – Thanks to Mrs Kilwag for the tip.
At least he rides a Shut and rides goofy.
I alreasy saw him skating in one of his video’s,whooops…………caught…
Biiiig deal! I’m sick of all these movie stars gettin’ in on our thing. I can’t figure out which has more skating in it these days, People or Thrasher. (Ay, my girl reads People) It all started with that blond guy whose nose is crooked. Big shot. I bet dat little kid don’t drain pools like me and my buddies do. His little bow tie would get all mussed. Plus he’d probably go tel da Jonas brothers about the spot and it’d get all blown out. What is he, like 10? Look at him, tryin’ to wear Vans like he’s Jay Adams or sumthin–all tough and dark. Lighten up already! Skating’s about beers, bud and kickin’ it with your bros, not some pretend, bad ass image. Stick that in your little cummerbund and take a good long toke, son. You could use one! I guess it’s up to us real skaters to keep things legit. And another thing, twerp, you can’t shred with your hands in your pockets.
“I’m a priv-a-lige-ed boy, I really gotta tell ya”,
my dad could buy and sell ya, I’m beeetter than yooooo-u”!
he must work out.
hate him even more. not even my 5 year old daughter like that kid. can’t get more punk then that dumb ass
Action Now’s Summer Guide to Coolness?
I thought that said Teen ogle Think twice about using exaggerated modern typefaces.
Have you tried a bow-tie?
I’ve tried bow-tie pasta, I hate to brag, but I am rather worldly.
Someone take that skateboard away from the little girl before she hurts herself!
nice one d , that boy looks gay.
Not really “kill him” but damn I see this turds face in the checkout line on the mags , smiling away and wish I was 16 again so I could knock his teeth in. Eventually he will come out the closet , LOL
but when will you?
I like this kid
That’s the kind of style I had in Jr. High too. Thanks Mom!
I guarantee he can’t drink as much beer as I can.
I win.
Unlike singer/actor teen idol Leif Garrett star of ‘Skateboard’ it appears this kid can actually skate.
Shakespeare borrowed ‘there’s nothing new under the sun’ from king Solomon in the bible and surely knew it but I doubt this kid even heard of Leif.
If he gets his skate stuff for free from sk8 co.’s and/or if he’s actually paid by whatever co.’s to ride thier stuff, does that make him a pro?
A teen idol and pro skater at the same time? Not fair
I think we’ve all established that a bunch of 30+ year old guys sitting on their computers are cooler than Justin Beiber.
I actually appreciate that he isn’t wearing “cool guy” gear.
i love you