Biggest skatepark in Oregon?

The crew at the Windells Camp has been busy. There are a couple of characters named Jamie and Billy who have been busy with the concrete. When finished, it will be 28,000 a square foot park. They have a 12,000 square foot indoor facility, and about 15,000 square feet in assorted skate trail-type terrain, so that would make them the largest skatepark in Oregon, unless you’re going to split hairs. Enlarge-o-rama, then head on over to Windells.


12 thoughts on “Biggest skatepark in Oregon?

  1. Brock Es on March 16, 2010 - Reply

    Man, I really need to move back to Oregon. The 5 months I lived there were some of the best and worst moments of my life. I need a skate escape/Oregon tour. I was last there in 2000, and there are tons of new ones since then.

  2. can you just pop into windells and skate? or do you have to be a camp attendee? not sure how that place works.

  3. largest doesnt necessarially mean the best and all that stuff looks like it tops out at 4′ (??) but jamie weller is a rad dude so im sure theres something good in there

  4. Talentlessquitter on March 16, 2010 - Reply

    That’s it! I’ve had it.
    Pretty soon I will go to the concrete skate’park’ almost around the corner in my hometown,take some measurements and take a picture of the smallest half pipe you’ve ever seen.

    Wanna skate?Prepare to travel.I always forget that one.

  5. Fucking sick! Looking good Jamie and Billy.

  6. It’s for the “campers” but on weekends they typically have open sessions that anyone can skate. It is pay to play, and you’d have to check the web site for schedules and prices.

  7. “Windells campers travel to three of Oregon

  8. That looks awsome…. For Mini-Me.. lol NAH . it looks fun to skate & dork around on.. Reguardless of size, its not Free for all 24/7 So its not really a public park accessible to all. Could put it into the largest PRIVATE skatepark catagory. There are a lot of factors that make a place fun to skate though. Ex. when campers are not there.. lol

  9. billy coulon on March 18, 2010 - Reply

    dont forget about pete gunn he workin up there too.

  10. six feet under for days. looks sick as fuck. cant wait to get there

  11. Dude the Lincoln city skatepark is way bigger

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