Posh is Hardcore
Posh Spice spotted on the beach wearing sunglasses and an Indy hat. And you thought she was too cool to shop at the mall.
Update: Here she is sporting a Girl Skateboards hat too.
Posted by: Kilwag (editor) on February 25th, 2010
Categories: Annoy, Celebrities, Media Watch
Tags: fashion
Posh Spice spotted on the beach wearing sunglasses and an Indy hat. And you thought she was too cool to shop at the mall.
Update: Here she is sporting a Girl Skateboards hat too.
Posh was the best guest-judge on Idol this season, by far. I KNEW she was a skater, and she rides Indys. YES!
Don’t forget Hubby David in his Crass T-Shirt….
We’re nothing.
Couldn’t find Becks but here’s Angelina in her CrAss T…
“Punk was once an answer to years of crap,
A way of saying no where we’d always said yep.
But the moment we saw a way to be free,
They invented a dividing line, street credibility.”
One time at my snobro b-day party back in 2000 I made a big deal about how gay Indy had become. The nice people thought it was gonna be a thank you speech and I just threw my Indy Beanie in the bonfire all drunk. People who didn’t know me thought I was real lame because “I would’ve worn that hat, dude”.
Trucks still turn good though.
There’s another photo floating around of Posh running around with a Girl skateboards trucker hat…
hmmph ‘Spotted on the beach’ had me expecting a polka dot bikini, not an incey wincey teenie weenie Michael Jackson specter.
She was built to grind.
She’s lookin’ a little on the “heroin chic” side aint she ?
She looks like Sarah Conner at the end of T2.
She looks way too much like William H. Macy in that photo.
Seeing this, a thought so sickening it may actually come true, hit me. Spawn of Becks as the next Sheckler. Oh shit no!
Nice! Brock Es. Can’t believe that didn’t get in there before the 7th comment. Nice work.
Sarah Connor? In T2 she was buff. Posh looks like she’s gone to flab.
What?! I’d take Posh over that bitch old enough to be my mom 7 days a week and twice on Sunday!
Dude, “Posh”….”Posh”!
………..She’s like 5 ft tall, 95 lbs. Her racks twice the size of her little pixie head…
Hey, easy now, I shop at the mall……. I mean I ride Indy’s too!!!!
awww man!!!! I saw the hottest woman at the grocery store wearing a indy shirt. for about 10 seconds I thought she was made for me. then I remembered it’s just a fasion statement, and since I am a skateboarder, she probably wants nothing to do with me.
TRENDPENDENT “I dont skate I’m just a kook”