Naty Shred

There are art boards galore, but these hand carved whimsical creatures are meant to be ridden. Ridden carefully, of course, but ridden. Doug McKee AKA Naty Shred rides his, and repairs them too. They aren’t cheap, but they are one of a kind. The bird actually flaps it’s wings when it rolls. Impractical? Sure, but it takes a joyless soul not to smile at these.

[Source: Make] – Thanks to Eric Cherry and Janis Salnajs for the tip.


12 thoughts on “Naty Shred

  1. Very cool!
    I would like to see a race between the old man with the motorized skateboard and the guy with the rocket board you had posted a while back.

    1. bring it on.
      the old guy

  2. colinwalshrules on February 22, 2010 - Reply


  3. Seriously Colin? Too cool to ride anything other than an peer/industry acceptable skateboard? Oh wait, you must have been looking in the mirror.

  4. jakeandannoy on February 22, 2010 - Reply

    I fancy the shark design.
    I would ride it down Main street, and turn townies heads with such antics.
    I would compliment my edge by also donning my black muscle shirt that cautions I am “bad to the bone” on the front.
    “Stay away from him, he’s a wild thing” they would say. And they would be right!
    As I have a shirt that validates that fact as well.

  5. I predict that this post will soon be followed by a post about skateboard components made out of concrete. Anyone want to bet? Mekalekahi Meka Hiney Ho…. Jambi has seen the future…..

    I think a skateboard made out of jerky with bushings made of cheese sounds yummy.

  6. I know a lot about art but I don’t know what I like.

    1. I like your comment and I have always had the same problem. Or maybe the opposite problem. I cant remember–I’m too old.

  7. I know a little kid named Zion who can blast stylier tuck knee airs than probably anything ol’ Mr. Rules does, and there is no way you could bring one of those boards (or a mule, to be fair) into his home park without him clamoring to ride it.

  8. Prickly Pete on February 23, 2010 - Reply

    I don’t know what I like, but I know what art is.

  9. colinwalshrules on February 23, 2010 - Reply

    I would ride one if it was a giant cock and balls.

  10. Hey, that WOULD be pretty funny in a park, particularly if the balls were burlap sacks with red chalk line powder inside, that oozed out the bottom as they dragged on the concrete. In fact, a regular- shape board would be close enough, if you could purchase sacks that attached to the tailblock; the latter sounds like a product. Am I a millionaire yet?

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