Compare and contrast: World’s two best fingerboard videos
One of these two videos will appeal to you whether you hate fingerboards or love them. In any case, I firmly stand by my statement. These are in fact the two examples of the highest art form in you could hope to achieve if you are going to make a fingerboarding video. Both these videos are old actually. Been sitting on them for over a year. And now I’m going to blow… your… MINDS!
Opus 0 by Alexis Milant
A really well filmed and edited skate video that just happens to be fingerboards. I believe this started out as the first in a series of videos on the act of playing.
Best thing about this video, it was made for a school project. And form the looks of these things, these guys probably don’t even skate, but their vision is so…. pure.
Looks like the Berrics bites Alexis Milant’s lighting techniques.
first one is a total spoof on the artsy flippy trick kid movies, and for all intents and purposes is actually cool as shit. Very well done.
Reminds me of another fingerboard inspired video he made, that Opus series… man. Be sure to check em all, guy is creative for sure.
I could not take my eyes off the second one.
look up the youtube video for Atmosphere’s song “You” to see some fingerboarding creatively incorporated into a music video. I would post the link, but youtube is blocked at work for me.
COME ON PEOPLE! This second vid (Finger Board Movie) is PURE GOLD! Are you all emotionally dead?
for real dude! I could not stop thinking about it yesterday. there is so much to it. the whole contrast thing. the first video is like “pro fingerboarding” it legitimizes fingerboarding. after all it’s implyed that the fingerboarder owns his own car, and he’s got all the tools of the trade to make “fully flaired”. he’s so cool, I bet his girl is hot.but I am unimpressed, I could only watch a minute or so. I’d rather watch Lego Indiana Jones videos.
sure the other guys in movie #2 don’t skate, hell they don’t even fingerboard! was this really done for school? I don’t know why else they would make it. they made it so poorly that that it’s fun to watch. the only thing missing is a girl, then they would have accidentally made the “Thrashin'” of fingerboard movies. the beauty of it is, it finally found it’s home here.
the bottom line for me is that I was embarassed that I was watching #1, but want to share #2 with my friends.
is the first video real or is that some sort of editing trick? being able to kickflip to grind etc? shit is perplexing.
yea, the first video is “real”. some kids can fingerflip fingerboards into “grinds” etc. I take back what I said about being unimpressed, it’s excelent and respectable animation and pupettry. I think it’s wasted on youtube and skate and annoy untill after it’s been in a TV commercial, ya know dude should be doing commercials for kitchen stuff. it’s a really cool video, like a cartoon etc. but does not hold my 40 yr old intrest/attention.
now # 2 is still entertaining to me though I have not seen it in 3 days. I laugh about the grey outfits of the actors. it reminded me of that MDC song. at first I assumed their moms dressed them, but now I know it’s a uniform of ultimate conformists, and they beg their mommy to buy them these grey clothes.
these guys can’t relate to individualisim at all. they try to make a plot centered around a skatepark, yet the plot is based on gang and rival school mentality. like it’s two football teams meeting at the burger drive in to duke it out for the rights of a cheerleader or something.I assume the director wears the bike helmet. the other guys are embarrased.
so bad it’s good
I remember Jr. High and making my fingerboard out of a cut-up Tide detergent box and some wheels & axles I ripped off of a Hot Wheels car. Toothpicks for rails, too!
This is where I should make a comment about how kids today blah blah blah… but the truth is, the kick on mine wouldn’t stay bent and the axles kept coming off. If Tech Deck existed back then, I’d have bought one.