The Economists perpetuates the stereotype
The Economists has an article talking about the greed and selfishness of today’s youth, and their lack of involvement in public service sector. I’m not sure about the public service record, but I’m pretty sure the previous generation’s greed is a huge part of the reason we’re in this mess. What’s the point? The illustrator used a skateboard to portray the folly of youth. You could be upset if you cared, but if you think about it, skateboard media itself does a good job of perpetuating the stereotype. Not all of it, but a sizable portion. I was talking with an industry insider this summer who expressed some regret over that, while fully copping to perpetuating negative stereotypes in skateboarding through his own product and actions. Ah… What are you going to do? Do as I say, not as I do? Skate and Destroy or Skate and Create? Does anyone care?
– Thanks to Seth Levy for the tip.
Skateboarding is what it is, neither wholly bad or wholly good. I consider myself an law abiding citizen for the most part but a “no skateboarding” or “no trespassing” sign is very little deterant from me getting my skate on. I believe most skaters are the same way and only few skate only in “designated skate areas” but let’s blame the media.
Dadgum! Unbanned at the Silverfish and SNA all in the same week! We’ll see how long this lasts. Thanks, Kwag.
I read the aritcle and the author seems to have written all but the last paragraph in October of 2008.
Has he not noticed that the Obamanist are taking over every aspect of the private economy? We will all be civil servants by this time next year.
Also,it wasn’t the previous “conservative” generation’s greed that got us into this mess. It was the liberals professed alterism that attempted to hide their greed that caused the world economy to collapse. Now it is this Obamanist generations’ greed that is making the situation worse by exploiting the crisis to grab power.
I would draw skateboarders into the responsibilty circle jerk of Obamanism but they are just suckers that base their politics on a coolness that died in 1979.
Like the surf industry, I suspect that a majority of the $$ pumping into the skate industry comes mostly from doofus kids that don’t really skate. They use their parents credit cards to get that “look” and “feeling” those brands give them. Who the fuck else could be paying $90 for jeans?
Anyway, I’m sure every generation going back through all recorded history said the same thing about “kids these days.”
WTF! Nice first post. Kids, this is why you need to wear a helmet. Take that retarded Fox News bullshit somewhere else.
You take the annoy part of skateandannoy way too far.
ssk – thanks for putting a big ass star next to my point.
Can you explain to me the relation between the Clinton administration’s expansion of the CRA regulations and the effect that policy had on the toxic assests that are affecting the current market liquidity?
Or is that too Fox Newsy for you.
Y’all are being trolled….
Oops, thought I was reinstated but it looks like my IP was just reassigned.
Never mind, move along, nothing to see here.
What a pain in the ass. If you don’t know, find out what the republicans have been doing and advocating since Reagan – and are still advocating right now. Sure Clinton came on board for a while, but you have to be a nitwit to think he was solely behind this mess.
With you all the way Daddy Yo. I’m a conservative skater as well.
The Clinton administration was a joke untill Newt Gingrich came along and saved it.
If you don’t want to start a poitical discussion, don’t make political arguements.
Wasn’t the stimulus supposed to create jobs?
“I would draw skateboarders into the responsibilty circle jerk of Obamanism but they are just suckers that base their politics on a coolness that died in 1979.”
That’s some funny shit. I think I just laughed my hernia loose.
I laughed so hard my $30 cigar fell out of my mouth and into my plate of caviar. I’m a conservative skater too, I won’t go switch-stance or skate with the poor or single unwed mothers.
I also hate board graphics with skulls or satanic images or gay insignia or pictures of unwed mothers or poor people.
We need a voice so I commend Daddy-Yo and the like on setting these liberal faggots straight. Well, not literally, they have programs for those folks confused about how to live their lives.
It’s sooo siimmmple, c’mon people figure it out.
Stop being gay and poor and unwed mothers and don’t spend money and how about lower taxes for us hard working CEO’s corporations.
We should only give swine flu shots to children of wed mothers and no minorities because it’s uncomfortable when people are, y’know, that way.
You seem to be very bigoted against conservatives.
I only have different views than you. I’m not a bad guy. One of my closest friends is a member of the socialist party in Minnesota. We are able to present our views to each other in a civilized manner without getting angry.
Isn’t it ok to disagree without being disagreeable?
I hope you have a nice day.
Obama has been in power less than a year, but it’s still all his fault. He’s go this own generation already.
Corporations hire people. Jobs are good. When the government raises taxes on a corporation do you think it’s the rich that pay them? No, it’s people like me and you that lose our jobs to make up the difference.
I think you need to listen to Rush Limbaugh. What’s the harm in giving conservatism a try. Notice I say conservatism, not Republicanism. The problem with Republicans is they are too liberal. Peace.
I wish I had the time kilwag. Give us a chance. Not Republicans, but conservatives. Fiscal Conservatives.
Please excuse my lack of time to spell check and use proper punctuation as I am due back at jail.
Portland is full of tight transition skating left wing commies. The public pays for their skateparks too, socialists!
“…you need to listen to Rush Limbaugh” You are drunk, Andy!
But seriosuly folks.. I’m all for fiscal conservatism, and a flat tax. We should slash the defense budget and spend on education and healthcare. Our priorities as a country are backwards.
Haha, c’mon Andy, just makin’ some funnies.. conservatives aren’t the only ones allowed a sense of humor right? It’s a shame to take yourself so seriously.
I don’t really want to listen to Limbaugh and I’m having a hard time working up giving a shit, or staying on topic rather.
My post was motivated by humor more than political belief(s). That seems to be a difference between my post and that of other “conservatives”- that I’m intentionally making my post(s) appear laugh-out-loud stupid. I’m not interested in engaging in political discourse but..really? “Bigoted”? Yikes. Again, I stress my remarks as facetious and I will try to work on my unbridled Bigotry. I mean, I will try to try.
Oh, and since we are playing a game of “you need to listen to..” I think you all need to listen to “Murder by Death’s” album,”in bucco al lupo” its rad.
Being liberal is noticing but not caring that your friend does his frontside airs stinkbug.
I resemble that remark.
political views just aren’t as nice as mountain views….
I’m still just trying to figure out what the daddy thing meant when he typed “alterism”…Was it altruism?
Alterism- Prejudice against anything that has ever been changed or, well, altered.
skaterhusseindave – Ha, yes. Altruism. In the liberal lexicon it means something like, “Man. you shouldn’t wear animal skin for shoes, man. Animals have rights too man. You should buy my a pair of my hemp sandals. My store is on Main Street right next to the abortion clinic.”
K – I didn’t say Obama caused the economic crisis. That was Carter, Clinton and the Democrats in Congress pushing their real estate marketing scheme and finance scheme hidden behind a phoney charge of racism
Obama is just exploiting the crisis they caused to make us into a socailist country. He is causing the economic crisis my grandchildren will suffer.
Hey, what about that deficit. I thought he was going to the pay off the debt Bush created (in eight years) with the money he was going to save ending the Iraq war. Oops, no hope that’ll happen. I guess theis whole President thing is proving to be a little above his pay grade.
Drunk Andy – So glad to know I am not alone.
ssk – I do know. I was asking you to explain the Democrat policies that created the housing bubble and their real estate finance market interferences that halted the international financial markets’ assest liquidity.
Fact: Deficit was reduced during the Clinton years, ballooned during both Bushes and Reagan.
Hilarious… Less than a year and everything isn’t fixed, therefore it’s all Obama’s fault. never mind the previous eight years of helll.
Funny that so-called conservatives cry wolf over so-called socialism, yet have no problem with Bush Jr running roughshod all over the Constitution.
fuck me randy, why did you let the douche back on? Having a troll on here whose only agenda is to start shit is a bad, bad move. Kick his ass back into the ether.
And where are all the jobs the G.W. Bush tax cuts were supposed to create, and don’t you remember Bush declaring victory in Afghanistan? Yes, the first of two wars started without a declaration of war by Congress,was won in 2002 by using drug dealers to fight the freedom fighters our CIA used in the ’80s to run out the Soviets… oh my god randy houseofneil is sooo right this fool isn’t even a skateboarder and why am I here talking not about skateboarding……I’m sorry, it’s just hard to ignore such willful ignorance i.e. whining about socialism but driving on the Interstate, calling the fire dept. when their house catches on fire, calling the police when someone threatens them, and cheering for our taxpayer funded military whose government run health care works very well thank you when the Repubs aren’t trying to cut funding for it….fucking moron I’m done
Brush me Daddy Yo!
A topical Adam Ant reference will win every time.
skaterhusseindave – you would have won if I read your comment before kc replied.
House of Neil – I’m about to ban you if don’t learn how to control your outbursts!
Funny, this thread was apolitical when I wrote it.
“Fact: Deficit was reduced during the Clinton years, ballooned during both Bushes and Reagan.”
When conservatives took over congress.
I don’t care if a Republican or a Democrat is in office. Just stop spending our money. I agree that Bush spent to much. So what’s Obama’s solution? Spend 4x as much in 1 year as Bush did in 8 years?
Enjoy today as the dollar still has some value. Peace.
Baby steps, Daddy Yo.
Fuck Armageddon, this is hell.
Amen Drunk Andy. It took us 40 years to get here.
How do conservative steal the cool from liberals? Is it even possible. Liberals promise childisness and conservatives promise adulthood. That is why skaters go toward that side? They are given little quotes and never have to think about anything.
How can conservatives compete with the liberal political philosphy that encourages you to poop in your diapers and feel cool about it?
okay seriously randy, please ban DaddyYo. looks like his IP address only changes once a year. He’s worse for this site than it being down from hackers.
I’m trying the social experiment again. Just don’t take the bait.
Skateboarding… Whee!
You’ve got a good sense of humor Randy.
I remember the results from the last “social experiment” were really favorable.
You don’t need me anymore. Drunk Andy is here or should he be banned too?
no because he’s not an obnoxious tool who seems open to other viewpoints and who doesn’t ramrod his own beliefs down everybody else’s throat.
e never did need you.
Drunk Andy isn’t being a dickweed.
Being conservative doesn’t get you banned here.
Being a dickweed does, so maybe you should take some responsibility for YOUR behavior instead of dragging others down with you.
House – take or leave my opinions. I don’t care.
Jake – I am the dickweed to you as you are the dickweed to me.
I believe you believe that.
But even then, I didn’t dickweed my way into your life.
Yeah Daddy yo, it’s not your opinions, but the way you express them.
why the fuck did you let that shitbag back on here?
Man, Randy, this guy is a walking punchline.
He just stalks and then won’t stop. He can’t be reasoned with,I doubt he even has human emotions, he’s like the Terminator.
“House-take or leave my opinions, I don’t care”-
That one is favorite so far, of course you care bro,that’s why you’re who you are, and you’re here. And you respond to everything,cause all you do is care about this shit. No, you constantly stalk perceived adversaries and blogs to litter with your incendiary, baiting posts,because..wait for it..you-don’t-care.
Bailgun and others at Thrasher even have a “greatest quotes” thread going and it’s pretty damn funny.
Kudos indeed, Bailgun,et al.
I thought, this guy has to mix well with someone,but nope, not even a friend in Jesus. He’s even been banned more than once by a site about skyscrapers and urban development.
Fucking hell! What,there weren’t any pog collecting or ceiling-tile-counting blogs he could work his magic at? Possibly a more boring forum like county census site he could start shit at?
Jesus, don’t just ban him Randy, send him to “Monster Island” or something.
Ok, my post got bumped probably cuz it was too long.
But Jesus, banned for being incendiary on a blog concerning skyscraper chat? http://forum.skyscraperpage.com/showthread.php?t=136808
If he’s mentally ill, like a Danny Bearer situation, then I’ll cut him some slack. But he should still be off the streets.
Ahem-“Monster Island”
I use my skateboard to perpetuate the steriotypes about me. the folly of youth is what I still want for myself. I don’t get the cartoon, whats civil service? why is dude wearing that outfit to skate?
I think Jakeandannoy wants to have sex with me.
Did I express that feeling in a bad way?
If your up before 5:00a.m,sitting at your computer and wondering if I’d gay off with you, yeah, that’s bad. Better off not expressed. Next time just think it, but don’t say it please.