Grover’s miniramp construction party
Help get the Grover miniramp together. Grover is looking for help tomorrow, Saturday, October 3, 2009 at 3:00. Bring your cordless drill and ramp building know-how. Grover will provide malt beverages.
GVK lives off of NE 42nd and Simpson, a couple houses in, look for the VW Vans.
Here’s what it looks like right now.
So how do folks get to said malt beverage infused ramp building session? Address and/or contact info?
The photo is great!
I’m with Rich. I need some more info. Are we talking Chocolate Malts or Schlitz 8.5% ?
Milk shakes! I just added the info.
3:00…. needs to be a BBQ too.
Jack!!!!Ask your dad why you can’t have one like his barn ramp in Okemos. Tight trannies way before it was cool and covered for all weather year ’round fun…
skaterhusseindave – It’s like 1:20am in Michigan, go to bed!
IM in ,portland, need amlt beversge snd skateboard fix in fo?
if I was in p-town I would be there..I guess I’ll just go put some coping on my bowl
Progress report: Tranny framing complete. Next up screwing down plywood followed by coping and decks.
That pic of J is killin’ me!
I’m up in Portland tonight and can swing by and lend a hand if you’re all gonna working on it tonight…