
Four out of five satirists

Continuing a theme from yesterday’s post. First up, a trailer for the film “Foolishness,” a slick film directed by Brian Sumner for Skate Bible. The skating looks top notch. Then there’s the message, starring some of the usual suspects like Christian Hosoi and now Cab. Noticeably missing from the list of famous proselytizing rippers, Lance Mountain. Next up, the satire called “Skate Babble.” Not very slick, and a little obvious, but still has a few good chuckles.

This is basically a rip off of this post, so thanks to the guy who made it and sent in the tip, Simon Wright.

Foolishness Trailer

Skate Babble parody


44 thoughts on “Four out of five satirists

  1. Mom tried to lay that jesus BS on me and here is what really blew it for her/them;
    They always claimed there would be lots of singing and praising…well if any of you have listen to christian music…you know how insane it will drive you…F that place…besides, if there are heaven/hell, Slayer will be hell so if given the choice….I chose HELL…where hopefully there can’t be any christian singing BS.

  2. BrockEs on October 7, 2009 - Reply

    Oh Lord, evangelist skaters suck…even Hosoi. Lance is TOO cool to be associated with such BS. Lance has spoken his piece about his spirituality,but he doesn’t try to push it on people, or use religion to bolster his appeal. Skate ministry is highly suspect.

  3. jesus and skating is so played out…..and I love how its always ex meth heads that are always the most devout followers. Hum, seams odd that the person trying to convince me the most is notoriously bad at making good decisions. Two words: Watch Religulous.

  4. JAKEANDANNOY on October 7, 2009 - Reply

    Yeah Hosoi sucks. Watch him “suck” his way into 1st place in almost every Masters comp he’s entered in the last 4 years. Way “sucky”.
    And, no, that’s right-way suspect, some one trying to use spirituality to turn their life around. Hosoi and Adams should definitely stick to meth and prison,that’s much better.
    I don’t evangelize but I also don’t tell anyone who will listen about my bad memories of mommy and daddy making me go to church or how I’m too smart for religion-sheesh.
    I’m sick of this from both sides.

  5. Michael C on October 7, 2009 - Reply

    I would say that skateboarding is my religion but that is also getting pretty damn trite. oops! damn it!

  6. Caballero’s frontside invert is rad as hell. Great job on the satire.

  7. Evangelism sucks.

  8. looks super sick, i cant wait to see it

  9. wasn’t commenting on their abilities as skateboarders, just sick of that scenario as a means for becoming the spoke person for religion.

    too smart for religion? please, not dumb enough for religion.

  10. White drugs are the path to Jesus.

  11. Jerkins on October 7, 2009 - Reply

    It’s just one crutch to another crutch.

  12. The bible has no place in skateboarding…just like facts have no place in organized religion.

    -Principal Skinner

  13. Dr. Ruthless on October 7, 2009 - Reply

    While I have no use for the proverbial ‘Craven ex-brat from San-this-or-that’, I like to think that it’s as much prejudice against California’s little ways as it is against blind faith in general. Cuz SOME of my favorite people are Christians… and there’s a lot of things that never would have gotten accomplished without blind faith.

  14. Gnarles Copinghagen on October 7, 2009 - Reply

    ” But that’s the way I like it baby, I don’t want to live forever! And don’t forget the joker!”-Motorhead- I just wanna skate, and I just finished skating less then 2 hours ago! No meth, no Jesus, just me at high speeds!

  15. JAKEANDANNOY on October 7, 2009 - Reply

    Or…White Jesus is the path to drugs….

  16. JAKEANDANNOY on October 7, 2009 - Reply

    Sk8 D- Then don’t clean up on meth and then preach. LOL, what would be a more appealing scenario?
    If a well-adjusted, civil engineer started preaching you would listen? It doesn’t sound you want to hear it from anyone. Which is why I don’t preach, and certainly not to those who aren’t interested, that’s just me. But some people really feel moved by the good they feel religion has put in their lives. And really, it ain’t any different than anyone else who finds something they love, and wants to talk about it or share it with others. I repeat, sick of hearing it from both sides, and in these days we both know it’s “cooler” not to be Christian. Fuck, it’s just the opposite. If you announce you’re Christian then, you are socially exiled to being an idiot, or only hanging out with other “Christians”. All these people talk like religion is AID’s or the Boogyman….but we’re the ignorant ones. haha

  17. JAKEANDANNOY on October 7, 2009 - Reply

    “Divine intervention-do you know what that means”…”yeah man that’s exactly what it means!
    God came down from heaven and stopped these mutherfuckin bullets!”
    -Jules Winnfield

  18. well adjusted? like he moves his balls around a lot? I agree a lot of people are moved by the “good” religion has created, so they go on crusades to share this love, or destroy indigenous religions cause their gods are lesser…….its great that it moves you and should serve as a guideline for how humans coexist peacefully, but to date nobodys gotten that shit right. look at all the turmoil its created. they should have written that all religions are equal-ly pointless. then there wouldn’t be land thats holier to one group than another or one belief system thats more correct than others. instead its this never ending game of who’s right….but back to skating I DO like Christ airs.

  19. skhater on October 7, 2009 - Reply

    how did california become part of this? The 500 year holy wars never would have happened without blind faith (or the 9/11 attack). Religion, giving a reason for humans to kill humans since the dawn of existence.

  20. the riligion thing is just , well makes no sens.if you don’t beleive in the one that that person is pushing.
    your going to hell.well i be there holding the door.
    how many catholic priest raped children and where forgiven the next sunday. what’s with that!
    and people still bring there kids to church.some peolple just are weak they need something to beleive in
    mind games is all it is

  21. Wouldn’t it be cool if being Christian simply meant you acted and treated others the way Jesus would?

  22. JAKEANDANNOY on October 7, 2009 - Reply

    I’ll agree the debates’ often pointless. And that yes, I meant “well adjusted” as in a guy who shifts his balls alot, what else would that mean?

    I dunno about some of those misconceptions tho, like faith isn’t really comparable to enlightenment or “getting it right”, knowing more than the next guy.
    Not in the context you mention.
    Rather, people who are mercilessly insane and kill at will would find a reason either way, if religion existed or not. Any lunatic can cite God or whatever as their reason for being or doing something fucked up. I can beat my wife and blame the neighbor. Doesn’t make it so.(just easier) Look at that Hinkley kook who said he tried to kill the president for Jodi Foster, she ain’t even hot.

    Consider,please, that it’s possible that people who feel weak and need help to live decently,righteously, aren’t in the same context as those who justify their negative behavior and just run with it by scapegoating something positive as their motivation.
    Just like XGAMES distorts the name of skateboarding for selfish and capitalist endeavors; mean spirited,and often fucked up douchebags distort faith in the name of doing what THEY want. That, to me, is not religion. just some asshole with a lame excuse. But, you’re right, this place,here, is about skateboarding. Carry on.

  23. skaterhusseindave on October 7, 2009 - Reply

    ssk….like hanging out with hookers and turning water into wine and taking a little boy’s lunch and feeding five thousand people who didn’t plan very well when they followed you out in the desert and didn’t bring any food of their own…or pissing off organized religion and the government and getting yourself killed…ok, I know what you really meant…the stuff like loving your enemies and doing good to those who hate you and taking care of widows and poor people…

  24. skaterhusseindave on October 7, 2009 - Reply

    Back when people were wearing those WWJD? bracelets I’d stop them and tell them. “He’d walk on water!, He’d chase the money lenders out of the church. He’d make zombies(Lazarus). He’d tell people to symbolically cannibalize him!” Christianity would be sooo much cooler if folks really did what Jesus did.

  25. JAKEANDANNOY on October 7, 2009 - Reply

    “Back when”? I still wear my WWJD bracelt and I’ve never felt more cutting edge. I just look at it sometimes and go “What would Jake do?” …and I would annoy.

  26. Jesus knows how to kickflip.

  27. Oh, and did I mention that he invented the Christ Air! Give the guy a little credit after all…

  28. Has anyone seen the TV show, The Uprising, which features Christian Hosoi, Brian Sumner and Jay Haizlip? You can watch the episodes on TV or Web. I watched a bunch of them on Id be curious to see what people think.

  29. Man, you guys are scarin’ me! Even the thief on the cross beside Jesus knew he better not diss him or mock him or anything. He just acknowledged his sin and said, “Lord, remember me when you come into Your Kingdom.” The other thief was like, “Dude, if you’re the Son of God, save yourself and us!” Man, don’t you see? You don’t have to be perfect for Jesus to accept you, but crossing the line is dangerous. Don’t mock, don’t reject, don’t diss Jesus. You’re gonna need Him some day…soon!

  30. Dr. Ruthless on October 8, 2009 - Reply

    I’m afeard, Liza. Afeard you’re gonna need more than Jesus. If you need to live forever, that is. And Skhater, what I was saying is we can do without California kookdom more than we can do without blind faith. I mean, Jesus, where do you think skateboarding levels would be without blind faith?

  31. JAKEANDANNOY on October 8, 2009 - Reply

    “I will not betray with a kiss as did Judas, but like the thief I profess to you”:
    “Remember me O Lord when you shall come into your kingdom” ….”May the partaking of your holy mysteries be not for judgement or condemnation, but for the healing of soul and body”
    That what you meant, Liza?

  32. JAKEANDANNOY on October 8, 2009 - Reply

    “Would you like to continue this theological discussion in a jail cell?” -Vincent Vega

  33. Dr. Ruthless on October 8, 2009 - Reply

    In a nutshell: A fair number of US are illogical dorks, and skating would be pretty damned stunted without blind faith, so maybe we oughter not point fingers.

  34. Jerkins on October 8, 2009 - Reply


  35. If these videos are any indication, following Jesus will make you a better skater than following Satan.

    So, uhh, I guess I will follow Jesus.

  36. Prickly Pete on October 8, 2009 - Reply

    Skaterhusseinedave, your description of Jesus makes him sound very punk. Indeed I think he might have been. Ironically more on the Ian Macaye side of the spectrum than the Jesus Christ “G.G.” Allin side of punk. This is a settup for someone to critique religion and provide us all with their definition of punk.

  37. this threads been hijacked by idiots. im done.

  38. Skeptical on October 9, 2009 - Reply

    So Prickly, if they had the Dominion Cup and, like, it was dominated by followers of neither, would you drop it all?

  39. Cousin Fuxworthy on October 9, 2009 - Reply

    Jerkins, if you need to ask WTF, your non-redneck ass may have an illogical dork inhabiting it.

  40. Committed on October 9, 2009 - Reply

    This dialogue is just unbelievable. First of all:

    1. People dissing Cab and Hosoi- where is your mark in skateboarding?

    2. People thinking dissing Christ, God, and church is SO COOL and PUNK to do.

    3. Believing you truly are a step above us all and do not need God or any direction in life.

    This garbage makes me embarrassed to call myself a skateboarder. Jakeandannoy said:

    Yeah Hosoi sucks. Watch him

  41. JAKEANDANNOY on October 9, 2009 - Reply

    Committed- Did you-did you not see my other posts? I am Catholic and I don’t evangelize. I have my reasons and certainly don’t need to qualify them to anyone, other than God. That being said, sarcasm obviously does not translate well to some here. I felt the statements you quoted me on, were clearly sarcastic. Why would I polish my arguement that Hosoi doesn’t suck, citing he often dominates comps, by then saying he sucks. That overt contradiction should indicate sarcasm. I don’t claim to have the answers as you put it. There is an ongoing facet to the Christian faith that God is a mystery beyond total comprehension of man. The mystery of God is something I have accepted as part of my true faith, not a limit to debating proof. Johnny Cash is rad, and yeah, he’s done Gospel. I added posts to keep this discourse light, but I believe Jesus’ is the Son of God and I believe in the trinity.Read my posts again. I hope that answers your questions and sets your mind at ease. If not, I would suggest prayer. Or more skateboarding to take your mind off the above posts. Very truely yours, jakeandannoy

  42. Negative Ned on October 10, 2009 - Reply

    Wow, now if only this thread could delve into sex and politics, we could complete the trinity of things you don’t talk about at the “dinner table.” How about a good old “which skate wheel is best” or maybe a vapid discussion on bearings to really get things going. Remember folks this is a skateboarding website, get some perspective and don’t take the SnA bait. You’ve been SnAaaad!

  43. Gnarles Copinghagen on October 10, 2009 - Reply

    This is crazy! Just go skate. Once my coffee cup is empty that’s what I’m doing. See you at the park. I’ll be the one with an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other, but I’ll be ignoring them both because I’ll be too busy ripping.

  44. JAKEANDANNOY on October 10, 2009 - Reply

    “Got a angel on the left shoulder,devil on the polar”,
    “Got a mug’a frigid, got a mug’a solar, sliiide over”.

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