
eBay Watch: August, 2009

Let me start off by thanking all those who sent in links to auctions that finished in August. Like I said last month, I missed 2 weeks of auctions because I was out of the country, and consequently I didn’t have very many decks to highlight. Well you all came though and sent in tons of links, so thanks for that. Thanks to you, this month features about the same amount of decks as usual! And to think, I was looking forward to doing a shorter one this month! Now, unfortunately I lost all of the links to the featured auctions this month. I normally keep the auction link in the Spotlight Comments field of the file, but I ran some maintenance utilities on my MacBook Pro a few days ago, and it appears to have cleaned out all of the metadata in the files. So I have no original auction info to check back on for things like trucks and wheels on completes etc. If some details seem scarce this month, that’s why.

Check out eBay Watch: August 2009

EDITOR’S NOTE: We seem to get a constant trickle of emails from people asking Neil to appraise a skateboards that people found in their basements, attics, or yard sales. I always respond with a form mail explaining we don’t do that because because some of the collector community thinks we might affect the outcome of future auctions, and Neil is happy to abstain because it would take up a fair amount of his time. In any case, we point them to Art of Skateboarding and wish them luck. Recently a couple of douchebags have actually gotten upset that we don’t want to help them make money. So I’m going to break our rules and offer some advice: Piss off and get over it!


10 thoughts on “eBay Watch: August, 2009

  1. That Alva “Santa Monica” pig is a total toy store deck. I saw those in KB Toys in the SF Bay Area in like ’87/88, and later in the South Bay Skates collection.

    Square edges, thin paint, hard plastic taildome, plastic-y wheels, shitty die cut griptape and all.

  2. I used to work at Brand-X in the summers- they were the distributer for Barfoot Snoboards—ah, the Toxic Skate days……classic.

  3. Nice job Neil. Great reading once again

  4. I had a handful of those Alva Danforth skull models with the tri-tail. I’d love to ride one of those again, but $720? Wow. I used to get those in red, if I recall correctly.

    The sum of that Chris Cook board is greater than al the parts. It looks good.

    Way to pluck Sean Miller form the jaws of obscurity.

    All hail the Kroyden Thunderbolt!

  5. Today is your lucky day Randy. I happen to have that Alva Danforth board setup with Thunder trucks and some OJ II’s. Oh, and some rails to boot. It’s one I rode back in the day and you’re welcome to take it for a spin.

  6. Great read thanks again.

  7. Holy nuts Rich! I am going to take you up on that. I hope I don’t end up disappointed, cause I have fond memories of that board. I’ll see if I can dig up some “Jam” shorts, black rubber bracelets and a sleeveless t-shirt for the event.

  8. Neil, can you send me a nice photo of that Wiggley that you scored? Great graphic!

  9. Sir Neil: How did Alva do that type of fade on the Cooksie? Is it Mondo airbrush or a different approach alltogether. Are they each done individually?

  10. Great run Neil – plus 2 HStreets and a nice score on UWS

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