Apple hearts skateboarding and iPods
Another day, another iPod, another skateboarding video. iPod Nanos now have the ability to shoot video, among other things, and the video recording information page features skateboarding. The actual video footage shown is decent enough, with the exception of the overacting by the guys in it. It’s kind of funny, actually. Someone at the ad agency has watched some skateboarding clips on YouTube, or possibly looked over their offspring’s shoulder as they watched a skate video. You can almost imagine them advising the cast of the shoot on how to make it “realistic.” It has a little bit of that cellphone video quality, probably due to the liquid lens the camera uses. It’s a bit warpy when the camera moves, but it’s not bad for an mp3 player. You can watch it on the Apple site. After the jump, view the iPhone 3Gs TV commercial that features a miniramp.
iPod video…fool your friends into thinking you’re good at skating.