Action Sports Environmental Coalition
Did you know there was an organization called the Action Sports Environmental Coalition (ASEC)? Me either, until Brian Baade (…that name sounds familiar) told me they were on hand at the X-Games, watching over such green initiatives as fact that all the concession utensils, cups and plates are compostable. What the purpose of ASEC? It’s damn near impossible to find it on their website, since it’s set up more like a social networking site than something informative. OK, I did find it. It’s on the front page past all the videos and user photos:
ASEC works to inspire the action sports industry and its participants to value and take action toward social and environmental responsibility.
That’s an excellent idea. Their first task ought to be convincing the X-Games (and Maloof brothers) not to build disposable semi-recyclable concrete over wood skateparks. Spend the money and carbon credits on a permanent skate structure that gets donated to the community. I know there will be logistical hurdles in providing the spectacle for spectators, but figure it out instead of just paying lip service towards supporting skateboarding and a green environment. Put that in your Birkenstocks and smoke it. It’s hard to tell what they’ve got going on over at the ASEC because you actually have to sign up as a member of the web site to see most of what they have to offer. Still, It’s a good basis for an organization. Check out the Action Sports Environmental Coalition.
[Image Source: China Daily]
There’s more than a little cognitive dissonance between my belief in good environmental stewardship and my desire to PAVE the PLANET.(inner dirty hippie fighting with punk skateboarder)
Yeah, next thing we’ll have Socialist Skateboards Association, Skaters for Obama and Skaters Fighting Global Warming. Fuckin hippies! Quit trying to sell your bullshit to this generation! We aren’t buying your global warming socialist bullshit. Next thing the’ll tell us is we shouldn’t use wood or urethane because of the environment.
I love how giving a shit = socialism. You should change your handel to Drunk Rush.
Thank you!!!!!
It just seems to me that urethane, wood, and metal are all aquired and produced into a skateboard in ways ture enviornmentalist-wackos wouldn’t approve of. Then I could go into the eco-terror that is skateparks constructed with all those machines that run on fossil-fuels and constructed by raping the earth. I guess the power point of my little presentation is if the environmentalists and socialist truely had their way, skateboarding would be outlawed. If you disagree with me, you are worse than Hitler.
If you disagree with me, you are worse than Hitler.
WINNER: Drunk Andy!
Hitler was a National Socialist, not a Socialist Socialist. Big difference. He wasn’t much of an environmentalist either, but he was a vegetarian, and arguably a wacko. I wouldn’t call him a hippie, though. Hitler was a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma, eh? Or was that Russia? Hell, I don’t know. What does this have to do with skateboarding? Oh yeah, Satori has some pretty cool wheels made from soy-derived urethane and recyled plastic cores. Anyone riding these? I’m an environmentalist-wacko (but not a Socialist) so I may give ’em a try. I won’t try a bamboo board, though, ’cause those idiots spammed this site.
I’m buying global warming, and I’m probably a member of your generation. Actually, most people–of numerous generations–are buying it, being as it’s a relatively measureable scientific phonomenon. Since the Industrial Revolution (see: massive releases of carbon dioxide) things have been heating up.
While I may not give much of a fuck (I’m a big fan of logging, diesel engines, and fishing), I’m not going to say it’s not happening, or not our fault.
It can’t possibly be our fault… all those factories and industrialization were here when I got here… wasn’t me… those who say global warming is a farce are right, in that humans will not destroy the Earth. But we’re gettin’ close to making it uninhabitable, which to me, is hella important
Hey Andy, better not use the socialized interstate highway to get anywhere, or call the socialized fire dept. if your house catches on fire or trust the U.S. military for anything cause it’s socialized too ya know…