gullwing skateboard trucks

Nostalgia Dementia

Someone went through the trouble to bring back the Gull Wing Trucks brand, but neglected to include the design that made them famous. Regardless of whether you are a fan of the original Gull Wings or not, it seems like a no-brainer to make them at least somewhat resemble the old trucks, even though you’re not going to fool anybody into thinking that Gullwings have been available without a break since the 70’s. They have one model that looks like everyday trucks, plus they’ve jumped on the longboard market boom with several reverse kingpin designs. And then there is the sidewinder truck, pictured above. I’m not sure what the purpose is since the web site doesn’t provide any information whatsoever, but it’s undoubtedly to provide more of carving feel to simulate surfing of snowboarding. Maybe the purpose it to eliminate wheel bite forever. Gullwing was advertising in Concrete Wave for what seemed like a year before they even had a web site going. It looks like once they got it going they pretty much abandoned it circa 2007.

Now here’s a case for going out and getting a bushing company sponsor.




They almost look normal from the bottom.

Here are some images from the the U.S. Patent (#7150460). It was filed in June of 2004 and issued in December of 2006.



15 thoughts on “Nostalgia Dementia

  1. aaron on May 14, 2009 - Reply

    I am in no way endorsing these trucks, but they’re fun to mess around on. We had a bunch of demo longboards where I used to work and the one with these trucks was the only fun one. The trucks were top-mounted so they didn’t stand so tall. They basically turn twice as far and are super fun to do the no-push/pump/slalom style of riding. Good for super turny cruising, not really “surfy” though, unless you surf really front footed on single fins on roping point breaks.

    1. 126shooter on March 1, 2011 - Reply

      are there shocks in skateboards ?????????

  2. mikeD on May 14, 2009 - Reply

    the gullwing brand was bought by sector9. thats who makes and sells the trucks youre describing.
    i think its more a way to save money by putting theier own in house trucks on complete sector9s than to sell trucks to the old school crowd though obviously they bought the brand for name recognition with older skaters.

  3. mikeD on May 14, 2009 - Reply

    oh and the ones pictured: fucking retarded to look at and ride.

  4. I don’t know about fucking retarded but it does look like trucks fucking. insert joke about pumping.

  5. they had a slalom truck, sl2002?
    didn’t sell very well…

    i spoken with the inventor of the sidewinder and own a pair..

    they are very turny, deep lean… designed for longboards..

  6. how come when I scroll up and down, its very laggy….

    i only have this problem on SnA..

  7. Shitty web coding? Maybe it’s just toooooo RAD for your browser to handle.

  8. b0redavid on May 15, 2009 - Reply

    Ha! Ha!

  9. Mighty Whitey on May 15, 2009 - Reply

    So this is how baby trucks are made.

  10. I’d love to have a set of these cause they are so freakin weird. In 20 years someone will be writing a skate blog about turn of the millenium skate nostalgia and they will bust these out. What a score.

  11. JKP: “I

  12. Added some images from and a link to the U.S. patent courtesy of Daddy Yo!, who is still banned, but making contributions nonetheless.

  13. 6 screws and a plate on May 18, 2009 - Reply

    worthless trash….those things scare me and I’ve actually broken 50mph on both Indy’s and Randals

  14. I wondered for awhile why the wrongboarder disease was so prevalent, even in my neck of the woods. Then I figured it out ; it’s cause you can spend alot more $ on one – it’s a status thing. This is a perfect example of how to suck extra $ out of the pockets of gear fanatics.

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