That’s a lot of burritos
It looks like Buck Lasek has California Skateparks building him a big old bowl in on his property in Encinitas, California. You can check out some more pictures and video at the Vans web site. It looks… big, but I think this private bowl will have more character. Characters, if you count GVK. -Thanks to Mac for the tip.
[Source: Concrete Disciples]
You think a standard little kidney will have more character then a huge multishaped pool??? please
I think Kilwag is referring to the DIY nature of the kidney vs. the store-bought approach for the mega-bowl. Hand dug vs. machine dug, friends helping friends vs. work for hire, etc…. Also, the odds of SnA readership skating that kidney is about 100% greater than skating the mega-bowl. They are both rad as heck just in different ways. Backyard bowls/pools rule.
Oh yeah, one other thing. The skateparks in the Northwest make that mega-bowl look like a standard little kidney. Something small and regular like that kidney is change for the Northwest.
There is not much ‘character’ in a glitzy ESPN pro getting a skatepark construction company to build a bowl in his backyard in comparison to MC’s deal.
I wish I had property and money. I did get to skate matt’s bowl just the other day. I thought that bowl had some super good character to it.
I seem to remember seeing somewhere that Bucky’s little backyard bowl will be 13+ft. in the deep end (X-Games vert ramp dimensions, coincidentally?) and 12ft. in the “shallow” rounded end. The shot of Bucky standing in it in the Vans site kind of gives a feel for just how big it is. While we do have some large bowls here in the Northwest, I can’t think of anything that really compares to that. That said, I’ll take MC’s bowl any day and agree with the rest of you on the character question.
so now it’s gotten to the point where people are being critical of what someone else is building in their backyard?
And Welsh Pete, if you do remember “glitzy ESPN pro” Bucky came up from the East Coast in the late 80’s/early 90’s when there wasn’t a whole lot of money in it, so if he’s finally making some cash now what’s the big deal?
Everything is built to scale based on time, space and resources – either way both guys are building what they can afford based on that and are probably both going to be equally fun just in different ways.
How about everyone waits until there’s more than just a computer rendering and photos of a big hole.
Bucky is rad and I’ll gladly trade session rights when they’re both done. Skateboarding occupies a large part of my consciousness: reading, writing, drawing, 3D rendering, design, video, photos, publishing, websites, volunteering, advocacy, building – oh, and actual skateboarding, but I have a hard time picturing myself owning that monster.
11’6 tranny w 2 foot of vert..
10 tranny with 1.5
8tranny to vert….
Yeah, the reason I said I’d take Mark’s bowl is that I wouldn’t even be able to get out of Bucky’s, much less skate it well. It seems like the right thing for him to have in his backyard, though. The “tractor seat” is 8′ deep? Jeesus.
Mac, there is big bowl at a different mark’s house that is 13 feet deep.
you guys are all a bunch of jaded, spoiled,Fags.
Hass, I forgot about that one. Haven’t had the pleasure of skating it yet. I probably wouldn’t be able to get out of that one either.
A few years ago in his Thrasher interview (maybe 07?), Bucky shouted out Dave Tobin as an influence.Bucky’s rad. East Coast Vert.
Corvallis has way more radness then that little fish pond.
You need Bucky balls to skate that big bowl.
i remember that! How come none of these shitrags has not done a Tobin interview? EAST LEGEND, WESTERN PATRIARCH.
Go ahead Wes, do the interview and I’ll put it up.
thanks anyway.An on-line interview wouldnt do him justice…Saving memorable issues of SNA isnt the same as old Thrasher, Concussion, or SkateThreat.