Video: Matt’s Bowl Benefit Tour
Here’s my video wrap up of our mini tour of southern Oregon skateparks that I made with Rich and MC on the occasion of Matt Kline’s BBQ session fundraiser for his bowl in Grants Pass Oregon. With apologies to Steve Grover, because I wouldn’t have brought my video camera if he hadn’t called me up and told me to shoot some “Spring Break” footage. When I lost the photos from this trip I was only able to avoid completely losing my mental health by the calming realization that I at least had some fun video footage. My apologies to the park locals who cooperated for the still photos. Chances are Rich might have some of you if you were in Winston, Matt’s Bowl, Myrtle Creek or Harrisburg. Yes, I am accepting donations towards a steadicam…
It’s a long one, so let it buffer a while before you try to watch it.
Jack liked Mark doing the mini fly out transfer. I enjoyed the lady asking for free money and “The Turgs” shove it.
Nice vid. Looks like you guys had a fun time.
That was great! Middle Aged Men Gone Wild.
nice Vid!
If the nuns would have bought us all skateboards they would have not had to say “I will thoroughly beat you about the head, neck and shoulders.” Sisters of Mercy
Plush edit. And rad dialogue! haha
Yes… Plush is a nice term! Thanks. How are you healing Shane?
el skater es muy chiba lo mejor de estilo y con el rap