You’ll pay for it
Empty your wallet by turning your old skateboards into wallets at $60 a pop:
Send us your deck & we’ll send you a wallet! Gorilla Vinyl’s Sk8 Deck Wallets are made from new & recycled skateboard decks. Each side is individually handcrafted and fitted to the wallets rectangular shape. The decks are planed and edge-sanded to their thinnest point to keep a sleek style, but still retain a strong durability factor.
I’d still have to see one of these in person to get a feel for it. Seems like a wallet made out of a skateboard deck would be either too thick to be useful, or too thin to be durable. Check it out on Gorilla Vinyl.
I found some of those at a yard sale, but they were purses. I don’t use a purse but they seemed cumbersome and heavy. Not very practical, but a novel idea. I have a duct tape wallet that has lasted for over 2 years.
i would rather have some of these things.
Dang, those bags I found were beckycity bags and retailed for $150?! I guess I should have bought them to sell on e-bay.