President Obama gives the hang loose sign.

Hang loose, dude.

And good luck on your new job. I’m sure some hysterical nut is already falsely reporting that our new President is flashing gang signs, but he’s just showing some love to his Alma Mater’s high school marching band from Hawaii during the inauguration parade, just minutes ago.

UPDATE: I’m a self confessed kook. Should have labeled the post Shaka.


83 thoughts on “Hang loose, dude.

  1. It’s “National Shave Your Pubes” day! (ie: No More Bush!) Sorry Kilwag, I just had too. Check for the humorous inspiration for that horrible joke. Now go trim your hedges.

  2. […] Skate And Annoy] Published in […]

  3. Estes' Ghost on January 20, 2009 - Reply

    This is a good day- no more Bush.

  4. nweyesk8 on January 20, 2009 - Reply

    why does Obama look photo shopped in there?

  5. Zed-word on January 20, 2009 - Reply

    Hey isn’t giving the “hang loose, dude”, sign here. He is giving the hot chick in the marching band the “call me” sign.

  6. […] Boardistan for alerting us to this image via SkateandAnnoy from CNN. Life makes sense again. SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: “America Rules!”, url: […]

  7. nweyesk8 – Probably because it’s a video capture, not a still shot. He’s also standing behind bullet proof glass.

  8. geroge bush told chelsea clinton “there’s 3 things i hate most in this world. osama, obama, and yo’ mama”.

  9. Dick cancer on January 21, 2009 - Reply

    It’s Chelsea went to Iraq and talked with soldiers and the one soldier said “there’s only three things that scare me and it’s Osama, Obama, and DADDY YO BE-OTCH!

  10. loooooonbgoard on January 21, 2009 - Reply

    Nope, it’s not fake.
    See here – the cover of the Vancouver Sun

  11. Dick Cancer!! LMAO!

  12. duly noted, im bad with remembering jokes.
    heres a good one: what did the bord say to the jewish guy? cheap, cheap! ha ha ha

  13. thats bird, sorry, see my delivery sucks

  14. what are you waitin for folks? this is the A material.

  15. jakeferranti on January 21, 2009 - Reply

    That Chelsea Clinton joke is so fucking horrible. My boss told it to me like 30 times during the elections and i had no idea how to react to it other than not laugh.
    Its not even a joke, its embarassing to be subjected to,whats the funny part? What makes it a joke?
    Cause it ryhmes at the end? Well then, yes rhyming last names with other words is a joke then; crew, blue, depardeau. Wasnt that fuckin hilarious folks? Good.

  16. jakeferranti on January 21, 2009 - Reply

    Here’s an example of a real joke: a little jewish girl runs up to her grandpa and says “grampy,grampy i need $30”! Grandpa replies, “you need $20, thats alot of money what do you need $10 for?!?”

  17. jakeferranti on January 21, 2009 - Reply

    well,Christ,they cant all be winners…How about this one; a lil 5 year old white boy rubs chocolate on his face to the effect of “blackface”. he runs up to his mom in the kitchen and says “mommy,mommy, look im black”! she gasps is disgust and slaps his face,telling him to show his father. he does the same bit and dad slaps him hard and tells his to pull that crap w/his grandpa. He runs to grandpa and granpa says he doesnt have time for that crap and sends him to his room. Later his parents check in on him asking if he learned anything about that. The boy replies,yes Ive been black for a 1/2 hour and i already hate all the white people i know.

  18. Obama is an invented President that only made it because Bush blew it for the (R) party. The only thing is he will be worse. Anybody want to bet…? O’yeah, Hi Randy!

  19. Dick cancer on January 22, 2009 - Reply

    NOBODY, can be worse than “G Dub”. You know when he took office the stock market blew up in our face, then it picks up everybody buys a house, someone let money lenders loan to anyone and even no ones, everyone gets a house, market slows, interest rates drop, FECAL matter hits the fan, Gas kept going up and oil peeps made mucho Dinero,inflation hits, stock market hits 7555 a low almost like we’re back in 87′, Palin doesn’t know SHEET, and we get a dude who throws SHAKA’s. I’d rather have a Shaka than one more old mo fo throwing a Thumb up your ARSE. Clinton was a thumb thrower. McCain did the thumb bit and it didn’t look good coming from him. I don’t care for those thumb throwers. I don’t care for the SHOCKER sign either. You shocker’s “two in the pink and one in the stink” can go SHOCK yo momma. I usually see shocker signs on big stupid trucks.I have one little fatty and it likes the Gleeming, silky smooth, pink kitty. I got to stop, I’m getting dizzy and don’t know where I’m going.

  20. houseofneil on January 22, 2009 - Reply

    Yeah, I’ll take that bet. Tell me how he is “invented”? What, do you not take him seriously because he’s black? Is he not old enough for you? Is he too intelligent for you?

    The Republicans have fucked this country for the last 8 years, and we are in the worst state both internationally and domestically than at any other time in living memory. So tell me again why the republicans deserve another shot at this?

  21. Zed-word on January 22, 2009 - Reply

    Republican’s don’t deserve another shot! They fucked up bad. That said, I am not a fan of Obama, Clinton, Kennedy, or any Democrats for that matter. I think this is a perfect time for the Libertarian movement to pick up some momentum. Do I think we have a realistic shot at the White House in 2012? No, not likely. Maybe a losing few seats in Congress will embarrass the big two parties and set the course for real change.

  22. “Democracy is the worst form of government, except all the others.”

  23. a skeleton walks into a bar and says “gimme a beer and a mop”. now THAT’s entertainment!

  24. skaterhusseindave on January 22, 2009 - Reply

    Libertarians are just Republicans who want to smoke pot.

  25. jakeferranti on January 22, 2009 - Reply

    No, Libertarians are old bitches and gay dudes who work in a building gaurding books for the city…right?

  26. Zed-word on January 22, 2009 - Reply

    Hahaha…no Jake, that is funny but not true. I am young and straight, and I don’t work for any city guarding any books. Just out of curiosity, do you know what the Libertarian Party stands for? Or are you a fan of the two-party system?

  27. jakeferranti on January 22, 2009 - Reply

    Um,no, not fan, sorry, not a fan.-peter griffin
    In seriousness I consider myself a libertarian…although i cant im as unhappy as others about our new president. You know who is also a libertarian? Snake Pliskan, man he was so cool.

  28. But I thought Libertarians lived in the middle east under the rule of Muammar al-Gaddafi… or are those the chicks that like chicks?

  29. Snake Pliskin, I heard he was dead?

  30. Obama is the coolest president so far. the hang loose trumps any sax solo. “I did not vote for him, so I can bitch if i want too.” (I’m quoting myself there) Obamma seems cool and all (Itry to keep an open mind), but he does not represent me. if you want to brand me, I’d fit in with the libertarians. but I don’t jive with the whole landowner/personal rights being more important than the world around the landowner/person’s rights. I’m a landowner and someday I will die. this is the lesson Libertarians need to know.
    houseofneil you must be a really open minded nice guy, because you are so easy and forgiving twards the republicans. you only give those geezers credit for the last 8 years. granted under george jr. we did somehow manage to get like a million skateparks built, but that is only a testiment to localized govenment. the republicans have a long history of screwing the whole world for personal gain that goes back before any skateboards were made.
    Zed-word, it is ok for you to move to the northwest when you are “done saving Japan”. you seem ok. but I don’t wan’t anyone else to move here.
    I’m waiting for “Escape from Las Vegas”

  31. King Obama just did 5 executive orders in three days!!! Is is a god damn King of the world? W. did zero in three days, Reagan did zero, George SR. did zero, Carter did one, and Clinton did just one. Fuck this power mad Maxist!!! Resist this invented, made-up half white sellout!!!!

  32. “Resist this invented, made-up half white sellout!” Hey cool, Judging by your commentm you sound like a half-educated, half-racist, crackpot.

    I’m guessing you meant Marxist instead of Maxist. Simple typo. That’s OK. You’re really upset about those executive orders, you must be absolutely LIVID about the way George W and Cheney took a dump on the constitution.

  33. Zed-word on January 22, 2009 - Reply

    Thanks for the ok Curtis. I’ll try to hurry up and get kicked out so I can be there soon. Then you can slam the gates shut and not let anyone else in.

  34. he meant maxist. Obama is a Maxist, not a Marxist.

  35. Obama is ass backwarding America…Liberals are all victims!!!! What a mentality…

  36. here we go again, liberal this, liberal that. the only way you could say Obama is “ass backwarding”, is if you have thought of the USA as this forward thinking progressive country. the way I see it we have been a ass backwards country for the past century, and the groundwork was laid before that.
    B~, do you ride yur skateboard with some sort of strap/binding system? if so that is ass backwards!

  37. nweyesk8 on January 23, 2009 - Reply

    as fucked up as our ‘cuntry’ had become under Bush, Obama ‘s reversal of years of bad policy could be seen as being backwards, particularly amongst the masses that are involved in some form of religious-political agenda involving pushing their belief system on others through ridiculous laws that go against our constitution and the ideals of self freedom and liberty that this country was founded on, so fuck off B~, I hear Darfur is lovely this time of the year, take a vacation and let the adults speak.

  38. Zed-word on January 23, 2009 - Reply

    Stay classy, B~. Insulting those who oppose you makes you look like a pissy Republican nut. Don’t get me wrong, I am not happy with Obama being president, but you are just making yourself look stupid.

  39. B~ is obviously Daddyyo what with the same grammar and spelling errors.

  40. jakeferranti on January 23, 2009 - Reply

    Yap yap yap, wah wah wah. I dont care what your political affiliation; if you are still crying to anyone who will listen about our new president, then please go kill yourself. I can stand it, seriously, its done. Not gunna reverse the election results,no recount, and he’s been in office less than a week so no impeachment. I cant believe these people,its one thing to give your opinion of the president when asked, its another to act like a big baby in a daiper.
    When your parents laid down a rule written in stone did you just cry about it to everyone until they went back on it? Is that why you think melodrama and pre-emptive complaining about this term is going to do something? All you clare voyants already know “the next four years are going to be horrible” so shut the fuck up and be adults.

  41. Carl – it’s not Daddy Yo, it’s another nut I know who’s pitching a fit because I won’t read his emails. He’s upset about the fascist Bush deck (among other things) because he feels it’s unpatriotic and an insult to our troops. Unlike Daddy Yo, he doesn’t have a beef with skate culture.

  42. So, B~ is a Troll of sorts?

  43. nweyesk8 on January 23, 2009 - Reply

    I love that graphic, the real insult to our troops and our patriotism is fascist bastards who don’t think and simply do what there president says is good for the country

  44. “of sorts” – Nice pull KC

  45. I am the resistance and proud. You all have bitten the fruit of the media and really believe Consrevatives are ass backwards. Was Lincoln? Obama used this Republican to make him look great in his 170 million dollar inauguration. Bush was a mere 40 million…Checkout “White Construction Workers” on youtube as see what this Nazi said. He is Obama’s economic advisor. Get back to me on that one, will ya? I’m proud to not be a hippiecrite and it’s sad how many skaters are allied w/ them!!!

  46. Conservatives-yeah, I can spell, but sometimes I’m not perfect like Obama is…

  47. Hey B–

    You’re fucking hysterical, and you come off like an angry idiot. Tone it down, go skate, and be glad you live in a first-world country.

    And take your right-wing pot-stirring somewhere else.

  48. Hey Fitz, you mean I come off like you and most everyone here were towards Bush. Yeah, it sucks huh? Who are you to tell me about were I can take my 1st amendment rights?

  49. I’m someone tired of reading the rants and raves of an uneducated crank. There are plenty of great places online to debate politics. Why do it here?

    I’ve never discussed my thoughts on our ex-president on this website. Skate forums are generally useless places to engage in poly-sci dialogue, unless you’re simply an attention-starved troll.

  50. Zed-word on January 24, 2009 - Reply

    You all need accounts. Like Fitz says, lets stick with the skating.

  51. Sorry to bring politics to SaA, but seeing the George W. Bush board depicting him as a Nazi, was offensive to me. That’s just BS hatred!
    When I saw the Obama(God like hang ten shot) and the good-luck paragraph, I relived the hate for the man I voted for twice. Like Bush or not, we were kept safe. Plus, anyone who is informed knows the economy went to shit over the housing industry loans. Dems. in congress for the last two years had their fingers in the pudding. Bye~~!

  52. I’m waiting for the executive order that finally renames the ollie “switch fakie nollie”

  53. And why hasn’t congress made mongo a federal offense? Can I have a a frontside indy in this “new world of hope?”

  54. Just don’t look.
    Just don’t look.

    PLEASE don’t feed the TROLL.

  55. Randy has stooped to calling me a Troll, huh? Fuck you very much and thank you very little. I was finished until I read your slanderous name calling…You must not have read the_Bye~~!

  56. Checkout the bigot board in the top right…Animosity leads to derangement~~!!

  57. Zed-word on January 24, 2009 - Reply

    I second that motion Concretin, and I want to tack on a rider calling for a fine on anyone asking the question “are you vert or street?”

  58. Seriously Barry, If you don’t have anything positive to contribute, EVER, just STFU. This isn’t the place to air your personal grievances with me. Don’t make me ban you.

    This started as an apolitical post. Go monopolize somewhere else.

  59. Zed-word on January 25, 2009 - Reply

    uh-oh! I think Kilwag has gone power hungry!

  60. b~ he’s not directly calling you a troll. I don’t know if you are aware so I’ll give you a heads up, there was this guy named daddy yo who really spent alot of time writing to skate and annoy (check it out, he was all over skate and annoy last month, you’ll love his writings). his political views were a bit different from the average skater (as I pointed out the average skater is a 14 yr old apolitical boy). the main difference in his techniques were (kilwag banned him because he was wasting our time), that he used almost every post about skateboarding as a chance to vent his political/social grievences.
    kilwag can do whatever he wants with his very entertaining web site, but I’ll dissagree and say that the post was political. what does it have to do with skateboarding? is the shaka exclusive to skateboarding?
    sure cold war skateboards has an agenda, but technicly the are just advertizers on this website. I don’t think agendas are so bad. so B~ start your own skateboard company. I bet even “fuck Obama” graphics would sell better than “fuck Bush”. ask the ladies who they’d rather fuck

  61. I’ve been skating longer than most of you including Randy. This doesn’t mean I’m better than anyone. I’m humble… I’ve got pics to prove showing me on the original Alva in ’77. So, skateboarding is what I am. But, I’m also a concerned and informed citizen. Until the Bush Bigot Board is discontinued, I will be driven to give a counter opinion. You do allow dissent, right? Isn’t that what skating is about next to the fun part?

  62. Estes' Ghost on January 25, 2009 - Reply

    Is this “B’ guy related to DaddyHo? Like Fitz said- ‘Take your pot stirring right wing propaganda elsewhere!” Bush was the worst president the US has ever voted into office- Now he’s gone- so let’s just work on the future together, it shouldn’t divide us up.

  63. See, I try to stop, but some idiot writes shit like Testes Ghost and I’m having to set it straight all over…You got the voted in part right on Bush, however the worst Prez was Jimmy Carter hands down. Plus, Bush has won in Iraq, and liberated millions from tyranny. I guess you miss the Taliban and Saddam. Those Countries ARE NOW FRIENDLY TO US NOW MORRON!!

  64. Like Randy says…Don’t feed the troll!!!! Then I won’t respond. Randy knows I have been against his Bush bashing board for years. This isn’t new…

  65. Estes' Ghost on January 25, 2009 - Reply

    Well let’s just give you an award. But ultimately- you can lick my ‘testes’ because if your were a real skater- you wouldn’t cause riffs with other skaters- I never called you a name, but if you want to show us your real age by doing that- go right ahead. I don’t consider the Carter Administration the worst- Bush’s legacy is way worse. So fuck you B.

  66. That’s right Barry, you won’t respond, cause you’ve been banned. Not for being right wing or conservative, or disliking Obama, but because your inability to engage in conversations like an adult.

    Go start your own thing.

  67. Estes' Ghost on January 25, 2009 - Reply

    Oh man- I was just getting warmed up. Bye Berry Barry.

  68. Nice work Kilwag! This is the only skate-site I can stand anymore. Thanks for keeping it dipshit free.

  69. jakeferranti on January 25, 2009 - Reply

    Ha,ha..Im not saying its this site but,damn,why dont I ever run into these fruitloops at the skate park?

  70. Just walked in on this and I know he’s gone (what’s with all the weirdos on here lately), but why would Barry pull out the “don’t tell me where to take my first amendment rights” line while saying the Bush Nazi board (my favorite) is not cool? What about Randy’s first amendment rights?

    p.s. I was born in ’80 and Barry has been skating longer than me. My opinion does not matter.

  71. One more thing. I think there should be a new law that all conflicts should be ended in a game of SKATE… on a miniramp so “vert” and “street” skaters have an equal chance of competing.

  72. Zed-word on January 25, 2009 - Reply

    Good call Damien. Mini-ramp is the only place I ever win SKATE.

  73. I checked out that mini-ramp at ed benedict today it looks sick! pool coping! (it would have looked sicker without the snow on it though). you might as well have a political skate off there. as far as politics is concerned I am ignorant and apathtic and I dont know what that means and I dont care either. free speach for the dumb!?

    p.s. I aint gots no problems with cold war graphics someones got to be politcal. Plus they seem like a part of the local culture.

  74. “they seem like a part of the local culture.”

    Ha ha! That’s great. Then we’ve succeeded beyond our wildest dreams!

  75. cirquedaddy on January 26, 2009 - Reply

    Tha Obamer Blew out our hand sign. Damn!

  76. B~ was a great emoticon considering what was contained in the post. It’s a picture of defecation, right? Free speech ought to require a qualifying exam. Uninformed opinions really don’t need to be protected.

  77. Dear ladies and gentlemen, Daniel Bearer, the King of Skateboarding is alive and well in the birth of skateboardings city Santa Monica. Contact for any byline La or see, Very truly yours, The Adventures of Danny Bearer

  78. The Makaha Film will be ready in three weeks ! Very truly yours, Daniel Bearer

  79. ” DEFENSE ABOVE ALL ” a novel by Danny Bearer,a story of the early beginnings of professional surfing and skateboarding in California in the early 1960’s !!!Thank you !!!!

  80. i think that anyone here saying bush is a nazi or bush was the worst president and he fucked the economy and such is retarted and hey dont be dissin on certain political parties. everyone hhas a right to voice their opinion, but they 1 shouldnt force it on people, 2 they shouldnt play the fucking blame game. and there aint nothing wrong wit bein right wing conservative or left wing liberal. the extremists are the problem. bush’s legacy isnt the worst, u want the worst see if we can make it through obama…and seriously? u guys dont know wat skating is about, it aint about bein all public and shit and sayin ya go politicians i support so and so. its about hangin wit ur friends and doin the most insane fun shit, or practicing sum wicked tricks, about getting better, having fun wreaking havoc, getting arrested for no skate zone skating, getting chased by cops. not politics! everyone should bring it back2 wat skating was. a hobby/sport/way2 hav a good fucking time. people bein all uptite in the asshole is why i dont do skatin anymore. longboarding is way more chill. its just do watever u want. have a good time and chill wit friends.

  81. JAKEANDANNOY on September 1, 2009 - Reply

    But…I like mixing sex and skateboarding.

  82. JAKEANDANNOY on September 1, 2009 - Reply


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