Jeff Greenwood interview
Jeff Greenwood is the guy who started Concrete Disciples as a print zine from the Northwest, no less, and brought it online way back in 1997. Concrete Disciples is one of the biggest independent forums in the online skateboarding world. Sure, the big forums have a rep as a haven for bunch of whiny babies and armchair skateboarders, but as long time SnA readers can recently attest, you can’t control who decides to visit your site. I met Jeff a few years back and he was a very down to earth guy. He was enjoying the hell out of some Oregon skateparks at the time. I think it’s been a while since he’s been out here. Running one of these sites can be a thankless job. Jeff had some serious health issues for a while, and he’s got some partners now, but he’s always been the driving force behind Concrete Disciples. Blah blah blah. Go read the interview over at Europe Skate.
– Thanks to Rene Morales for the tip.
umm why is the shot flipped on the site our your site. is he goofy or regular? or both?>
They flipped it at Europeskate for the masthead, if you scoll down you’ll find the whole shot, which is what I used for this post.
concrete is cool
Nice to see some attention directed to CD and Jeff. Great guy doing a thankless job with that site.
Thanks for the mention here and yeah, I did flip the picture (I was lazy!)..but I did let Jeff know about it. Happy Holidays!!!