SOTW 11-10-08: Rumble in Ramona
This shot breaks a cardinal rule for skate photos, but the outstretched hand in combination with the butt shot makes it interesting to me. This is Omar Hassan at the Rumble in Ramona, Creature’s invite only vert ramp contest held the 17th and 18th of October. You’re seeing it here because Davoud from Concussion shot it, and he’s got more cardinal rules than I do. I thinkthis breaks three of his, Butt shot, fisheye lens and pads. Who knows, he may even be wearing a helmet. You can check out this week’s Shot of the Week or watch some video from the event after the jump, courtesy of Transworld. It’s set to auto play, so mute your speaker before you jump if you need to.
Colin told me pads are cool again, apparently… since this event. Davoud may need to re-think his rules.
Oh, well if Colin says so. Tell people it’s cool to wash your pads too.
Is Colin the new Jake?
never mnd Col, what about the skating and other important issues like will the resurgance of vert ramps bring Tony Hawk out of competitive retirement!!?
very few pads for a vert contest there… kneepads yes, helmets generally no. but fuck my gay rules, after knocking myself silly ollieing out of a bs 5050 (to flat) on a 13′ vert ramp even i wear a helmet when riding vert.
I feel dirty after seeing this, fs & bs boneless, alley- oops, and rails on boards….sooo uncool. what’s the skateing world coming to?
Why don’t we have a vert ramp who ever thought that did not look fun is weak…