eBay Watch: October 2008
October 2008. The economy is totally in the toilet. The stock market is plummeting by triple figures daily, people are being laid off, and stores are closing. Folks just don’t have the discretionary income that they had even a few months ago, and this is evident on eBay. I’ve never seen a month like this. I was hard pressed to find 40 decks to put on here because so many decks didn’t meet their reserve or had zero bids. Sellers, if you want to sell in this Market you’re going to have to lower your prices, be realistic or you’ll end up paying eBay fees for nothing. Buyers with a few hundred dollars in their pocket are suddenly able to afford decks that were totally out of their price range just 60 days ago. It’s a crazy time. Buckle up because October was a bumpy trip.
Check out eBay Watch: October 2008
This is probably an old legacy Ebay Watch blog post. Some of the links may be broken or missing.
Check the Ebay Watch Features - eBay Watch: October 2008
Those are thunders on the Dressen.
definitely Thunder baseplates, but the hangers look like Indys to me.
I recentley bid on a early eighties Hawk skull logoed complete, used but in good condition and autographed by the TH himself. I was pipped by one dollar at the the final moment. The price it went for? 81 dollars. 81 bucks? Are you kidding me!? The bubble has burst for sure.
as usual, sick, sick article. i miss the late 80s so much. im going to get some psycho shorts when i can.
Cheers old man!
Prices were insanely high for a while, but I was about to point out a set of Gullwing split axles that sold with a buy-it-now for an outrageous $275. Then I saw them relisted because the buyer couldn’t pay. Bubble = burst! Pretty soon we’ll be seeing decks skated that used to gather dust hanging on a wall — and maybe that’s not such a bad thing. I’m working on a fixing up a boneite powell right now — for the skatepark, that is!
of course as soon as Randy uploaded this I checked ebay, and some stuff had just gone off super high. I mean over $3k high. So some stuff is still going for crazy money.
Yeah there was a clean ’79 bowman 10.0 that went for $3499.
..what i meant to say was I like that these collumns have evolved into a sort of “dispatch from the House of Neil”…now go blow $70 US on the new Clash book to check out Topper’s sad postcard home…
please, could someone tell me how much should I ask for a Ron Allen H-street, 1990, the one with the graphics in the nose and front truck area, the rest of the board, wooden background. (the graphic is a blue smiling face and psicodelic flowers). That whole graphic is perfect, but the middle is scratched and has black spray paint, I think it can be removed. nice original vintage stickers among the griptape.
thanks, hi from southamerica. I still love sk8boarding but can`t do it anymore, body ruined and pockets empty.
i don’t know what that deck would be worth, but hold onto it. its probably wort a decent amount.
scratched and spay painted? $100 tops.
It’s no surprise that Strummer got into the crusty Techno scene as it was founded on the same DIY ethic as Punk, which is what he saw in it. Shit music though i have to agree. As as far as him dropping his friends cos they had the wromg haircut, well, sadly that is how youth culture was in the mid to late 70s in the UK, totally tribal. I was a little Punk rocker then and you had to watch your back all the time. You can see a good example of these tribal divisions in Quadraphenia, set in 1964, where Jimmy the Mod, meets an old school pal, who is now Rocker, in a cafe and blanks him when his Mod spars arrive, so it was nothing new even in 76. There is no way Strummer would have been taken seriuosly as a punk frontman if he’d still hung out with his former hippy friends, sad, but that’s how it was.
Remember, I’m English and I’m old so I was there too. I was a punk and fought with the local sweats all the time.
BUT Strummer wasn’t a teenager so he should have been above a lot of that shit. Plus, a lot of the early punk royalty were ex hippies, and some like Mark Perry kept up some of their hippy ideals. It’s funny that looking back now a lot of the hippy ideals were actually very very close to the punk ideals. That got even closer with bands like Crass etc.
And I see your point about Techno, (I guess) but the funny thing is that the Clash were one of the least DIY bands on the scene. Bernie was all about getting signed to a major and going the traditional route.
…whether JS was above it or not, and i imagine he was, there was no way he could not take sides in the beginning, the hippy ideals could not be part of the everything-must-go punk manifesto. Anyway by London Calling the NME were calling them The Rolling Clash, so the hippy rejection didn’t last long.It was means to an end. I thought Mick Jones’ contributions to the film were the most interesting. How crap were the Clash when he got booted out!!? Have you checked Carbon Silicon? MJ back on track with some great social comment again.
Saw Carbon/Silicon live last year in a little club, it was great…Mick Jones has re-emereged as like the Jerry Seinfeld of punk rock, the guy is always laughing and saying something funny…
thanks for answer!
by the way, cool site and links, and…
long live Tom Knox, Ray Barbee, Donger! saludos de Chile.
Yeah. It’s bonkers how cheap stuff is selling for right now. Too bad I’m so broke I can’t get in on any of the deals. By the way, this is a totally rad site.
Hey I sold a Sims Brad Bowman Deck taken off a ’77 or Sims Skiboard for $1250.
I sold it to a guy off Bulldog Skates forum
I thought the Joe Strummer vid was decent. We all have different sides of our life. Punks and hipies were close in ideas just different ways to send the message.
Over all Joes music and life meant a lot to me. No mater what era.
AS always love the work you do. Very interesting
Those guys on the bull dawg site have some unreal shit check out the one guys SIMS collection holly man..
I have that Yellow Powell Peralta Lance Mountain Deck.
I never used it but gets scratches on the picture side.
Top is complete covered Grip-Tape.
I buyed it in the 80s but after that i had no more money to make it usefull and my interests went different that time.The costs of a complete and quality skateoard where too high for a schoolboy 😉
Times changed positive in this way.
What i want to ask is : What ccan i do now with it?On Ebay i can throw it away(easyer than sell for few bucks)
Think i will ask my local dealer.think there is only 1 in next 100km…
I’m from Germany…
U know the Santa Cruz Hosoi
U know the Santa Cruz Hosoi
Hiya, my name is justin forbes, and in the late 80’s I was fortunate enough to have been the number 2 artist under Jim Phillips at Santa Cruz Skates. I personally worked on the Hosoi collage board and that was crazy! The original pic of Hosoi was one of him doing a backside stalefish, totally inverted. And I also did the Kendall snake board, the Natas board (NHS did make the boards for SMA then), and the Jim Thiebaud decks. Worked on many others, like the hosoi picasso, Roskopp Eye, Jesse Sunface and many more stickers and logos etc. Amazing to see these going for so much money.