Wall of Death killed

Wall of Death killed by Seattle

Seattle keeps tearing them down! Alternatively famous sex advice columnist Dan Savage is covering the death of the “Wall of Death” skate spot online for The Stranger. He’s documenting his correspondence with the city and the bureaucratic responses. Check out the hatefully crude skate stoppers!

– Thanks to Adam Shahan for the tip.


5 thoughts on “Wall of Death killed by Seattle

  1. What a bunch of morons!

  2. That just sucks.

    Someone should epoxy a line of rocks across the bike path and see how they like it.

  3. The bikers that got it shut down come through there at 40mph and then get mad at us.

    Welcome to Seattle, now please stop doing that.

  4. There are parts on every bike path where people are supposed to slow down (intersections, near playgrounds etc.) Why not just make that one of them?

  5. Whitman Turner on July 17, 2023 - Reply

    Does anyone have photos of this spot from the 1980s -90s? Archive your vintage seattle Skate pics in the Facebook group: NW THRASHIN

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