mc bodyslam - GSD skeleton

Skate ‘zine show update

I dragged my family down to see There is Xerox on the Inside of Your Eyelids and my daughter Kathleen took this picture of me next to my ‘zine Bodyslam. And that’s a cool shot of Garry Davis from the show. The Portland exhibition ends Friday, October 31 but it is going to New York next. Opening is November 8th at Printed Matter 195 10th Ave New York, NY 10011 (212) 925-0464 opening on the Saturday the 8th from 5 to 7 pm.

The show will travel to Holland in January.

zine show flyer

Flier outside the door with a list of contributors.


11 thoughts on “Skate ‘zine show update

  1. Joe Bowers on October 29, 2008 - Reply

    HA! The Rolling Papers is my old ‘zine – I’m honored and thinking that the one with the Lance Mountain cover art work was the best issue. Does this count against my fifteen minutes of fame?

  2. There are a few of them up there next to the Bodyslam grouping.

    Great name.

  3. The show in Denver was great. Who knew zines posted on a wall could be so compelling?

  4. ..that GSD shot is killer, reminds me of that Halloween 7″ or something like that…anobody want to sell it or, better yet, give it to me?

  5. Was there any LAPPER magazine rederences?

  6. That shot of GSD is the best.

  7. Joe Bowers on October 30, 2008 - Reply

    Conahan – Thank you for the additional pics – I wonder if the people in Holland need my help in January?

  8. Tennessee’s “Team THC” rolled it and ruled it…Joe Bowers, Brian “Batmite” Beauchene, Doug Walker, Jay Cabler, Ray Underhill (RIP), Lyle Donoho, Britt Parrot, Wendell Elrod, et al

  9. The show was torn down last night and is now headed for New York.
    The good news is there will be a book of all the Zines coming out soon.

  10. I was planing all week to go to this tonight with my werewolf hands on. Why would they take it down a day earlier than advertised? New York’s allright if you like saxaphones.

  11. houseofneil on October 31, 2008 - Reply

    if there’s no Skate and Annoys, then it’s not a true zine expo.

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