DIY Bowl in progress

DIY Bowl Progress

Here’s another short set of pics from the DIY bowl that Joesef Heffner has been sending in. I had actually planned on running Colin Walsh’s benefit pics first, but for some reason I don’t feel very sympathetic at the moment…

From Joesef:

We poured our first pocket recently. it was a weird pocket to shape, not the same radius throughout. Some of the mixes were a little wet and caused the cement to sag into the corner a little. i had to carve the excess out and decided to fill the gap caused by the sag with a second pour as the day was getting long by the time the pocket was back to a curve. I got the pocket patched up and teh next pocket framed out, hoping to pour it by Wednesday this week.

DIY Bowl in progress 1

DIY Bowl in progress 2

DIY Bowl in progress 3

DIY Bowl in progress 4

DIY Bowl in progress 5

DIY Bowl in progress 6


9 thoughts on “DIY Bowl Progress

  1. Joesf, did you mention you were renting? DUDE! Your landlord is going to kill you. lol! Looks fun. Winter is approaching, any plans for a living room pour?

    I just found out that my city restricts home owners here… Less than 50% of a parcel can be concrete. 🙁

    I am still compiling how to info.

  2. nweyesk8 on October 15, 2008 - Reply

    My landlord knows about the project and doesn’t care. I have plans to cover it with a 10×20 heavy duty car canopy. it will barely protrude out one side, but that is easily fixed with a tarp. It should be ridable all winter long.

  3. colin walsh rules on October 15, 2008 - Reply

    looks steep and fun. any curbs in there? i have xtra 12 pieces, sell em @ this place in south town.. forget the name.. around $1 i think… really smooth

  4. nweyesk8 on October 15, 2008 - Reply

    willamette graystone down by the DMV, at the moment we are just building the bowl, then we will figure out coping types and where to put em.

  5. colin walsh rules on October 15, 2008 - Reply


  6. it is tight, fun and not easy to skate, pretty rad

  7. Love seeing DIY stuff. You guys are going for it man.

  8. Aaronskate on October 16, 2008 - Reply

    rad joseph!!

  9. nweyesk8 on October 16, 2008 - Reply

    so that we framed that gap between the Jersery wall and the pocket at the left, we ended up framing a hip in it. If the weather maintains, we will pour it Friday. Then the pond will be about 2/3 done. I ordered a cover for it today.

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