Indy team at Pier ParK

Surprise guests at Pier Park

Yesterday I had plans to meet up with an out-of-state friend of mine who was in town to skate some Portland area parks. I had assorted obligations for most of the day, but I definitely wanted to hook up for his last session at least. I got a text message that he was headed from Gabriel Glenhaven to Pier Park, so that’s where we were going to meet. A short while later I got the text message above. I have to be honest, my first thought was negative. I wanted to skate with my friend and not watch the Indy tour circus. That’s not a dig at Independent or their team, I just figured the park would be jam packed full of onlookers and there would be a heated session going on – meaning we’d have to stick to other parts of the park or go elsewhere if we wanted to actually skate. When MC showed up for the carpool and said he hoped the Indy team wanted to skate street… So how did it go? MC via email:

Any good shots? That was fun, much better than a Trifecta style blowout.

First of all, there were barely any spectators. It was weird and fun. The weather was muggy and there seemed to be a lot of pollen in the air. There was some amazing skating happening, but it wasn’t full-tilt all the time. It seemed like the Indy guys were working on a few specific lines for the photographers or for themselves, generally taking their time and at their leisure. The session was mellow in that sense. Locals of various talent levels took runs in between the heavies. Everyone was friendly and supportive. The tour had been there the previous night and enjoyed it enough to make a point of coming back the next. The tour was due in San Francisco the next evening. The tentative plan was to drive to Southern Oregon that night and possibly check out Matt’s private bowl before moving on to Fogtown.

Who was there? Lance Mountain, Jeff Grosso, Al Partanen, Sam Hitz (I think) and possibly other guys whose names I don’t know because I don’t have those magazine subscriptions. Hang on Lance Mountain? He rides Fury Trucks if I’m not mistaken. Also, The San Francisco date of the Indy tour is July 4th. So I don’t know what the occasion was, but the van had an enormous Indy cross logo on it. As we were walking up we just missed David Gravette trying to ollie from the small bowl into the 11 1/2 foot end of the big bowl. I guess he didn’t land it, but he didn’t eat shit either.

I’m going to break this down into two posts. Not because my shots are so great (cause they aren’t) but because… well you should know by now that I can’t edit myself. The horizontal pics can be enlarged.

Lance Mountain. He was doing this weird sweeper variation where he was actually planting his foot on the tile. I think he tried going to tail on them too. So what is that combination called, lien to tail sweeper? Leeper? You can see the rain spots on concrete.
Lance Mountain - Pier Park skatepark
Right after he landed this he slid out on the opposite wall and left a big smear. I think I heard someone call it a “Sweeper to Zamboni.”

Jeff Grosso tweaking pointing the frontside invert. I’m not sure if this one was a make or not.
Jeff Grosso - Pier Park skatepark

Al Partanen
Al Partanen - Pier Park skatepark

Another view of Grosso. Notice the empty park in the background.
Jeff Grosso - Pier Park skatepark

Al Partanen
Al Partanen - Pier Park skatepark

This is a (near) local. I heard this kid lives over the bridge in Vancouver. UPDATE: Local’s name – Taylor Ruiz
local - Pier Park skatepark

Here is is again. What’s your name? (Taylor Ruiz)
local - Pier Park skatepark

Jeff Grosso
Jeff Grosso - Pier Park skatepark

Lance Mountain rock and roll board slide around the corner. This was his setup for the move in the first photo.
Lance Mountain - Pier Park skatepark

Possibly Sam Hitz?
Sam Hitz - Pier Park skatepark

Lance Mountain
Lance Mountain - Pier Park skatepark

Jeff Grosso
Jeff Grosso - Pier Park Skatepark

More pics tomorrow.


18 thoughts on “Surprise guests at Pier Park

  1. Well, it was fun. At least my email made the cut.

  2. Thanks for the shots!

    “I got a text message that he was headed from Gabriel to Pier Park, so that

  3. Larry on July 3, 2008 - Reply


  4. Sorry, mixing up my Gabriels and Glenhavens. Gabriel might open early before the grand opening, but MC has not been able to get a confirmation.

    Conahan – you’re in part two. Luck of the numbering system.

  5. Thanks Kilwag, maybe if I start biking over there from nonopo at sunrise it will be open by the time I get there!

  6. I went to Glenhaven, and Tosh Townend, Anthony Pappalardo were killing the street section. There was a raging session in the bowl, but I didn’t know who the guys were. Most of the heavy hitters were taking heavy hits in the shade, though. Lance Mountain and Gravette were just kicking it, watching the bowl skaters. I guess that they were saving their energy for Pier!

  7. I cant believe I missed that session, I almost went over there but let my bruised knee talk me out of it.

  8. chaperone on July 3, 2008 - Reply

    We started in Hood River monday morn, on to Pier, Newberg, and finally Tigard at about 7:30 that eve. When we got there Lance was done and hanging with Chet, watching Gravette absolutely rip the entire park. Tosh and Grant Taylor were ripping as well. Locals all gawking. The groms got plenty of runs in and had some fun. Gravette can skate!

  9. davoud on July 3, 2008 - Reply

    yes that is sam hitz, and randy, bonus points for the long lens shots 🙂

  10. Wow! That is cool! Lance looks tired.

  11. Those fs inverts look insane! Thanks for the shots!

  12. houseofneil on July 5, 2008 - Reply

    I want to know why Grosso isn’t riding one of his own boards. That looks like the Black Label longboard he’s riding. Was he really doing those fs inverts on a longboard?

  13. The Doctor. on July 6, 2008 - Reply

    That local is at the end of the GVK 12 the pier park one. He works at a pizza place. YUM

  14. That local is Taylor Ruiz. I watched him tear up the Denver and Westminster parks in Colorado two summers ago. Your’e sure to be seeing more of his flying skills in the future!

  15. The local kids name is Taylor Ruiz he is my grandson

  16. That is Sam sHitz you have it correct Creature kills it!!

  17. Lincoln City was fun Sunday it was chill around 20 people skating the snake run on and off but casually taking runs. A lot of people had not hit it before so it was mellow & exciting with a lot of Portlanders also etc..!
    The other parts of the park were semi buzy.. The onlookers stopped by later in the afternoon, and it got more traffic in the park also.

    I think I heard L dropped Fury and is back on Indy obv..

    Monday was hella chill and they hung out there was 7 people skating the snake run and only 20 others or so around the other parts of the LC complex.
    It was really fun, pretty much epic glad I got to hang out and skate. They were all ripping it plus some others.
    The Indy tour killed it.. fo sho.

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