Hopeless Old Men On Skateboards moving


Hopeless Old Men On Skateboards are moving back in with their parents. Conahan will continue to post his precious photos, skatepark advocacy announcements and reports of our silly little scene here at SnA (although when I told him, Kilwag said I was dead to him now).

If you hated having to see those terrible drawings with the unfunny jokes when all you wanted was EBay Watch, Grover’s Video Korner or the latest skateboard influenced cultural phenomenon – good riddance! If you enjoy it, you’ll find it over at Antigravity Press.


13 thoughts on “Hopeless

  1. Greg N on July 17, 2008 - Reply

    Extra clicks… aw man. Oh well its worth it.

  2. whats up dude, what exactly do this mean?

  3. Why for what reason? Not that it matters, just bein’ noisy fkr.

  4. Worth the extra clicks. I even bought the book. Also like the vintage MC shots that pop up now and then. Keep em coming.

  5. Stop clicking on Antigravity Press! I forbid it!!!!!

  6. enemy combatant on July 18, 2008 - Reply

    H.O.M.O. was the best (read funniest) thing on here. Too bad for SnA.

    Seems odd though. The comments on the individual strips were pretty much universally appreciative and it is unsurprising that the trenchant observations of the contemporary skate scene that some of the better strips exhibited would generate a lot of comments.

    Oh well, I guess its back to interminable ruminations on the minutiae of obscure performances by obscure punk bands from 30 years ago…

  7. houseofneil on July 18, 2008 - Reply

    EC at his finest: even while praising something he manages to denigrate everything else on the site. Good job.

  8. I always wondered why MC sold out to S&A in the first place. That’s like a skateboarder working at Nike….or like Michael Jordan riding for Vans. Both are good enough to be on their own.

  9. That’s a good point… Here’s another one: Shut up Troy! You’re not helping!

    Just remember, Jordan couldn’t win without Pippin.

  10. and kobe cant win without shaq.

  11. enemy combatant on July 18, 2008 - Reply

    “even while praising something he manages to denigrate everything else on the site.”

    Not everything. I was actually thinking of you in particular when I wrote that stuff about punk minutiae! :-).

  12. Are you saying S&A couldn’t win without MC?…I think you can. But without GVK??? Not sure.

  13. Bummer, get double distro.. Comics are in different papers & cities etc..!
    Or reach into the pocket to have your offspin the M.C. comic special for SkateandAnnoy M.C. Master of Ceremony, maby I could do some writing, I got some anti-corporate & media comics ideas, stoked to have MC draw them! really

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