Grovers Video Korner

GVK#34: Skate Party

Hi Skaters. When will you get sick of this? Before me or not? Earlier this year Howie and the boys had a little skate party. I went down with my video camera and caught some of the footage. If it looks like fun it’s because it was. U missed it. Party down Grover. [Update: Added Vimeo version of video, should look a lot better.]

Grover’s Video Korner #34: Skate Party

Visit the GVK Archives.

Vimeo Version


6 thoughts on “GVK#34: Skate Party

  1. Fingerflip staple gun? Nice.

    YouTube – almost unwatchable due to artifacts. Need to find a better solution.

  2. Dang, I was saving that song for one of my video parts if I ever get a sponsor. Great vid, looks like a lot of fun, is that the model for your growing collection of driveway ramps?

  3. haha

  4. Greg N on July 25, 2008 - Reply

    That was a fun session! Nice to see people still like to skate things other than ‘perfect’ skate parks. Reminded me of the ol jump ramp days of Portland, before Burnside.

  5. good shit eh. fur a buncha hosers like us. cheers

  6. bailgun on July 26, 2008 - Reply

    the better solution you speak of is vimeo

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