Skater dater personals
A friend mentioned a Chance Meeting personal ad in the Portland newspaper the Willamette Week Someone was trying to hook up with a Handsome Skater Dad. Since the new issue had already come out, I missed my chance but the website had a couple of similar items. So it’s not all Shecky , the mature skater-man is also in demand.
those are both for me. i use a pal’s kid and/or coffee as a prop sometimes. i just cruise the same bus stops and coffee spots in a loop and troll for hipster strange. sorry for ruining the curve for the rest of you. dont hate the playa, hate the game.
The park rats at Holly aren’t teenyboppers, they’re desperate housewives looking to score themselves a sweaty vanimal pad dad while they pretend to let their kids check out the bowl. FYI for all you older dudes lookin to score. There’s competition though;I saw one dude toss his kid in the bowl and b-lined it straight to the herd to get his pimp on.
the skatemoms here in Spain are hotttt! I have recentley feigned advising kids on old school ramp moves, (“just like in Lords of Dogtown”) within view of their mums to try to cop some milf action …