half bike half skateboard

Show all fashionable vehicles

Technology is amazing. We live in exciting times! I have a new invention I’m working on. I’d like to somehow combine these old skatebikes (left) with the new bikeboards that are all the rage. I really feel like there’s the potential for something incredibly fun. If I could just figure out how to take the best aspects of both inventions… and call it the bikeless skatebikeboard!

German kids invented thier own thing, and called it Strullers, but if it’s wacky, chances are some Chinese company is already importing it to an English speaking country. These are Bikeboards.


Of course they come in different shapes and styles, just as you can buy longboards or shortboards.

Bikeboard styles

Ik now you are saying, these look cool, but can I get rad? Why yes. Yes, you may! On video even!

That sounds awesome, Kilwag, but what if I want to take that radical skateboarding bike action off road, on the slopes, or let’s get crazy here, in the water? And what if if I’m too lazy to push and and just want to stand? Fear not, because Swiss Bikeboard has you covered.

Swiss Engineered Bikeboard

But you don’t need to go to Switzerland to get it. Good old BMX stalwart Mongoose has a variety of models for you to chose from.

MOngoose Bikeboard

This is just as confusing as it would be if Tony Hawk had a line of BMX bikes.

Then there’s this. I’m still trying to figure this one out. It looks like a bike with a skateboard attached as a kind of a running board. Update:OK, now I see it. There’s another deck hidden on the other side, and it looks like you pump them like a stair stepping machine.

Bike with skateboard extra

Spotted this at Interbike last fall. Kind of a cross between a bike and a skateboard. Think it’ll catch on?


The original abortion half bike, half skateboard.

I’m not sure when these first appeared, but they are just wrong, wrong, wrong. The Bikeboard at least makes sense from an engineering point of view, but the skate bike looks like a horrible joke. The one on the left is from Tony Hallam, who dates it to the very early 80’s. The one on the right comes from the Wackyboards Page and is not dated. Look how fun it is to use the brake!

Skate bike

Just because an idea is bad, doesn’t mean you can’t make it incredibly worse. Witness the StreetSurfer, which you can get fin Europe or Australia. If you can believe it, I didn’t add that text to to the image below.


The video is pretty amusing, actually.

More practical uses for the less-than-extreme.

You can still get an slightly updated version of the original skate bike. The link in this online store is where the title o this post comes from.

This is pure fun! Move like on a skate board by shifting your weight and pedal as if you were riding a bike. Adjust the saddle to the desired height, sit on it and off you go! You will soon have reached a good speed and breaking is no problem, just back pedal. When turning corners you will feel the “lean”, a great sensation. The Skate bike is easily learned and is good training for unicycling as success is immediate. The seat can be adjusted to any level. Will support up to approx. 80 kg.

new skate bike

These new skate bikes sometimes swap out skateboard weels for inline skate wheels, but they all seem to have ditched the actual skateboard truck for a mechanism that mimics it. It’s hard to find any new (or old) pictures of these devices.

new skate bikes

Please stop reading this now.


9 thoughts on “Show all fashionable vehicles

  1. noooo they didn’t

  2. If you really want to enjoy a bike, and a skateboard… buy one of each and leave ’em the fk alone! DUH!

  3. In the future, an unspeakable holocaust occurs. A plague has eaten all the front bicycle tires. A ragtag band of plucky heroes dragging their crippled bicycles across the barren wastes discovers a cache of radio-controlled offroad toys and cobble together vehicles from the parts to become TEAM PENTACYCLE!

  4. alondra is a bitch

  5. the product designers for these thingies should be ashamed of themselfes!!!!

  6. How can this possibly be a beneficial change to the standard bicycle design? Just like snakeboards and those more recent two wheeled pieces of shit. If it ain’t broke don’t try to fix it!

  7. make the scooter ones with ripstick backs

  8. I had one of these back in the 90s and it was pretty cool,,,, I would like to buy one but I cant find one in my price range,,,,, I don’t wanna pay 100 bucks that’s too steep,,,, if anyone has any please let me know,, email me @ losthedcents95@yahoo.com,,,

  9. Paula on June 7, 2014 - Reply

    hello where can i buy these Bikeboards in Australia?

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