The Tony Hawk ornament and other X-mas mysteries.
The sketchy Tony Hawk Christmas ornament was actually a McDonalds Happy Meal toy with a string attached. Danimal’s mom sent him an awesome elf skateboarding on a leaf. World Industries sells these elf sized skateboards that come packaged in a Christmas stocking.
Danimal’s mom loves him. Ha ha! Mommas boy! Looks like this elf has a little road rash on his face.
Remember the Christmas ornament feature last week? Some enterprising scam artist craftsman was, ahem, hawking “Tony Hawk Christmas ornaments” on eBay. They still sold for $17, even though they looked like unlicensed knock-offs. It turns out the seller drilled holes in some old McDonalds Happy Meals and tied on loops made out of shiny string. These are from Tony Hawk’s Boom Boom Huck Jam Series in 2004.
Making World Industries cool again…
Why, oh why do I care? Globe dumped the World Industries brand becasue they wanted to focus on being a “strictly core-based marketer.” Did you know that 6-12 year olds make up 50% of the world wide market for skateboards?
The article is titled A Brave New World: i.e. Distribution plans to return World Industries to the core. It’s from the September issue of Transworld Business, currently only available as a two part PDF download. It’s on page 4 of the first half if you must download it.
Dickinson feels that with the right people in place, World can maintain its mainstream appeal, while at the same time earning back its original audience: “We are in the process of bringing on a core business manager to further develop our core business. We already have a core Snow business manager, Ken Kelley, and we are anxious to get the right person into our organization to really build the most important part of our market–the core!”
So these Christmas stockings with “locker boards” must be aimed at the 18-25 market… Available in red and blue for about $75. Bah Humbug.