Drinkin’ and Skatin’

Friends of Pier Park heard from a Parks representative “…this past summer many people using the park have been given 30-day exclusion notices because of breaking leash laws and drinking laws. Specific rules about park use will be posted on the new kiosk. He will also speak with the head of park security, about more enforcement.”

A cop also mentioned this to me when he saw all the empties we had collected after the Pier Park Anniversary session. So watch yourselves. It would suck to get banned from the park.

I think you can get a picnic permit if you are having a party there. Check with Parks.


13 thoughts on “Drinkin’ and Skatin’

  1. Gordo of Zanzabar on November 5, 2007 - Reply

    Why yes, officer. We collected these empties as part of the celebration. Of course, we had to empty them first. Thank heavens for everyones help. Now where’s that funnel?

  2. Heineken? Fuck that shit! PABST BLUE RIBBON!

    You can get permission for the party but you gotta give a deposit in case you don’t clean up after yourselves. This is in Portland. In Clackamas County, absolutely no alcohol anywhere in the parks because people can’t behave themselves. This is my understanding, my dad used to work for Portland P&R, but that was awhile back.

  3. 30 day exclusion for breaking the leash law? Absurd!

    That’s too bad. They ought to thank you for picking up the trash… 30 days exclusion for littering makes more sense.

    Nice graphic!

  4. That graphic would be splendid on a t-shirt.

  5. Pabst Sucks! (Oops! Did I say that out loud?)

  6. But Dennis Hopper

  7. I’m not advoating Heineken, but Dennis Hopper was craaaaazeeeee!

  8. JJ-Dinomite on November 6, 2007 - Reply

    Alchol permits are available depends on the park though!!!!
    Is that a Half a skateboard in his hand? (must be a 20 ply mable rite?) Part skateboarding, part smokin bowling alley huh?
    PBR, too bad they don’t sponsor skateboarders, they’d be broke n weed b drunk.
    Dennis Hopper is a wize (crazy) man in Blue Velvet. GIve him the Blue Velvet PBR Ribbon!

  9. Love Letters Straight To Portland Police, Straight to fuckin’ heart fucker. Look back to the days of underage drinking in front of shows. Man up and grab your plastic incognito drinking mug. If there is beer there is a way. Bspose of cans in bag/garbage can immediatley and enjoy the frothy suds.

  10. The is overatted

  11. PBR ruined my wife..I mean life on November 7, 2007 - Reply

    Im pretty sure I saw something about a year ago to the effect that Pabst had given in to requests, sponsoring a skate team in AZ.Now I cant find shit on the net to substanciate that, in fact all I found was that they sponsored some FRAT in OR(unexplainably their biggest market is in OR)
    PBR has accompanied me on many sessions, and in the back of my mind, I had always known Schlitz was the scumbag brew of my favor. I used to know what was cool…

  12. Once I drank 211 with a straw at Rocky Butte just because I had a crush on some scumbag punk rocker. When someone goes by the Internet moniker “HerpesAidsCrabs,” beware: it is not purely a punk rock gross out.

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