
We don’t do sequences

Somehow or other I got included on an email trail with Bruce Adams, whom I don’t know, but he replied this sequence of Terrell Schmidt going over the death hole at a spot I just saw in a magazine somewhere, but can’t remember where it is. These are just a few frames from the middle. You can see the whole thing after the jump.

Click to enlarge.



15 thoughts on “We don’t do sequences

  1. That’s the Bad Egg compound I believe…

  2. Yeah, that’s my house! I’ll send you some more pics if you like.

  3. Well… duh! Yes, I/we want more pics.

  4. OK! Here is some of the warmup from Tim Gordon:

    I’ll post some later. This was kind of a contest, but turned more into a drunken session. It was a fundraiser for the Bennett, CO Skatepark. $745 at the end of the day!

    Link Here

  5. Cool idea. The death pocket. Sick skating as well. The tile reminds me of the bowl at Whittier.

  6. This pic gives you a better sense of what the thing looks like.

  7. Don’t forget the egg!

  8. Doh, it didn’t work.

  9. So cool. I want to be Ash’s neighbor…

  10. My neighbor’s house is for sale. We could knock down the fence for phase 3!

  11. Yesss! Oh, wait. I live in Portland. Damn. I’ll have to settle for skating all the crappy parks that we have here, I guess (t-minus 6 days ’til Tigard). Someone else will have to be your lucky neighbor.

  12. I just moved to colorado and am looing to buy a house. where is it at? i’ll have my real estate agent look into it. i say lets make the fence into a spine!!!

  13. jim malch on August 26, 2008 - Reply

    ramp is now gone

  14. Wha’ happened? Neighbors?

    1. Ramp is now attached to Jerrys crazy ramp.egg bowl in garage is still there with new opstacles.

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